Shi-Hoon Choi
Tel : 061-750-3556
Advanced Components and Materials have been widely used in automotive, vessel and aircraft, as well as electronic appliances in real life. In order to develop products which have outstanding workability, formability, and electrical properties, it is essential to understand physical properties and micromechanical behaviors in Advanced Components and Materials. In recent years, a variety of studies using multiscale modeling have been conducted to improve performances of Advanced Components and Materials. Our laboratory is intensively conducting researches on microstructure characterization and multiscale modeling covering from nanoscale to macroscale for microstructure control and processing optimization in Advanced Components and Materials.
Alloy Design and Manufacturing Research Using Thermodynamic Calculation SW (Thermo-Calc) and Casting Equipment
Study on the Correlation Between the Microstructure and Texture of Metal Materials and Mechanical Properties According to the Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, and Drawing Processes
Study on the simulation of component material manufacturing process using finite element analysis (FEA) (with ABAQUS, DEFROM, COMSOL Multi-Physics, etc.)
Study on the evaluation of mechanical properties (yield and tensile strength, hardness), chemical properties (corrosion, oxidation behavior), and electrical properties (change in electrical resistance) of materials and components
Support for the fabrication of prototypes of metal and polymer materials using 3D printers
Study on support for domestic and overseas standard certifications such as KS/JIS/DIN of the developed products and materials
Dynamic Testing Machine
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
Digital Image Correlation