Lee, Ji-Myon
Tel : 061-750-5264
Recently, the research field of nanotechnology has been increased and the development of nanostructured materials focused not only on the enhancement of 1 ~ 2 properties but also multi-functionization of those materials. In our laboratory, development of processing technology for the efficiency enhancement of GaN-based LEDs and LDs by using nanostructured materials and technology were investigated. Also, in order to fabricate high-efficiency solar cell, in-depth research about fabrication and application of Si nanowire is being conducted. Furthermore, by using plasma-surface treatment, enhancement of optical and electrical properties of TCO, which was fabricated using sputtering and printing method is being performed. Finally, development of organic/flexible devices by using hybridization of graphene, TCO, and organic materials will be investigated.
Main room
Photo room
Measurement room