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Immigration & Visa

Ȩ InternationalImmigration & Visa

Foreign residents who do not have a visa

After the payment of tuition is confirmed, new students should prepare the documents necessary for the language training visa (D-4-1) application (standard admission letter, copy of Sunchon University business registration certificate, training plan, etc.) and send it to the student by e-mail. When applying for a visa, the required documents and the visa issuance period (minimum of 3 weeks to maximum of 2 months) may differ depending on the country, so you should check with the Korean diplomatic mission in your area in advance. For a language training visa (D-4-1), the visa period is determined depending on the registration period. If you extend your studies, you can extend your period of stay in Korea for up to two years.However, students from countries subject to visa-free entry, Korean nationals, or students who already have a language training visa (D-2 visa, F visa, etc.) can take the Korean language training course without changing their visa, and they must be confirmed by a faculty member in advance.

Residents of Korea with certificate of alien registration

According to immigration-related laws, there are cases wherein it is possible to attend training courses without changing the status of residence according to the status of residence, cases wherein it is necessary to change the training status (D-4-1), and cases of holders of qualifications that cannot be changed. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain confirmation from the university representative in advance.

Alien registration

  • How to apply: All foreigners must register as aliens at the competent immigration office within 90 days of the date of entry. The certificate of alien registration is very important because it serves as an identification card while living in Korea, and the International Exchange Education Centre supports new students in applying for group issuance at the beginning of the March and September semesters.
  • Required documents: Application form, passport, photo (3.5 cm × 4.5 cm, full colour face on white background taken within 6 months), proof of enrolment, proof of residence (copy of dormitory check-in or real estate contract), fee of KRW 30,000
  • Precautions
    • The application must be made within 90 days of the date of entry. In case of violation, a fine is imposed.
    • If you are temporarily returning to your home country during the language training period, you must bring your certificate of alien registration.
    • If you lose the certificate of alien registration, you must have it reissued within 14 days and return it to the airport immigration office when finally returning to your country.

Extension of the period of stay indicated in the certificate of alien registration

  • How to apply
    • Individual application: Apply electronically (www.hikorea.go.kr ) or visit the Immigration Office (you can apply starting 4 months before the expiration date).
    • Group application: It will be announced by the administrative office of the International Exchange Education Centre at the end of the semester (January and July) for D-4-1 holders and at the beginning of the semester (March and September) for D-2 holders.
  • Required documents
    • Current students: Application form, passport, certificate of alien registration, proof of enrolment, transcript, proof of tuition payment, document proving the place of sojourn (copy of dormitory check-in or real estate contract)
    • Students who are writing their thesis after completing the master’s/doctoral program: Application form, passport, certificate of alien registration, certificate of completion, transcript, recommendation letter from the adviser, certificate of deposit balance (more than KRW 4.2 million for extended stay for 6 months, more than KRW 8 million for extended stay for 1 year)
    • Fees: KRW 50,000 for electronic civil complaints, KRW 60,000 for in-person applications

Information on leave of absence or return to school

  • Leave of absence
    • If you apply for a leave of absence within the period of application for leave of absence through the Hyanglimtong system, after your dean approves it, the International Exchange Education Centre is notified accordingly, and the period ends regardless of the remaining period indicated in the certificate of alien registration.
    • You must leave the country within 14 days of the date of approval for leave of absence. If you do not depart, you will receive a separate notice from the competent immigration office.
    • Upon departure, you must return your certificate of alien registration to the airport immigration
  • Return to school
    • If you apply for return to school through the Hyanglimtong system within the application period, the International Education Centre will issue a standard admission permit and send it to you by email.
    • Students who applied to return to school should contact the competent diplomatic mission abroad in advance to prepare the necessary documents for issuance of a student visa, apply for and receive a student visa along with the standard admission permit issued by the school, and enter Korea before the start of the semester.

Information on the competent immigration office

  • Yeosu Immigration Office
    • Address: 265, Museon-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
    • When using public transportation: Take the bus bound for Yeocheon at Suncheon Intercity Bus Terminal, get off at Yeocheon Intercity Bus Terminal, and walk for 10 minutes
  • Foreigner General Information Centre
    • Telephone: 1345 without an area code / consultation available in Korean and 19 foreign languages
    • Website: http://www.hikorea.go.kr / Ministry of Justice portal for comprehensive support for foreigners providing electronic civil service related to sojourn and immigration