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Woonbae Park

Ȩ ResearchElectromaterials Science LabWoonbae Park

Materials Informatics Lab.

Woonbae Park
Tel : 061-750-5262

In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence is used not only in all sectors of industry but also in various academic fields, and its demand is rapidly increasing. This laboratory is engaged in research for the discovery of new materials and properties by transforming data into big data for using artificial intelligence by data processing, simulation and theoretical calculations.

Research Fields

Artificial Intelligence

  • DOC : (Design of Computation) Density Functional Theory (DFT) Molecular Dynamics (MD), Thermodynamic Calculation
  • DOE : (Design of Analysis) Development of new-concept analysis tool based on AI, Development of AI-based, fully automatic phase analyzer
  • DOE : (Design of Experiment) Development of HTE Design of Experiments Property-Structure Relationship Model (QMPR)
Advanced Material Research based on AI
  • Energy Storage Material : Energy Storage Material Exploration Study
  • Fluorescent Material : Luminescent Material Exploration Study

