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Fitness Center

Ȩ Campus lifeFitness Center
Health facility would maintain and promote healths of students and faculty, and has a purpose to prevent or detect diseases on early stage. Effective medical information and healthy school life would be offered by this health facility

Contents of business

Standing medicine for students and faculty
Emergency care for injured students and hospital transportation
School doctor diagnosis and health consultation
Health education and showing videos for preventing adult diseases
Influenza vaccination
School sanitation and prevention of epidemics
Offer first-aid kit, crutches and wheelchairs
Treat school manager liability insurance
Manage antismoking clinic and medical services
Campus insurance

Medical treatment guidance

  • Physical examination : height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, obesity rate
  • Ophthalmology examination : eye test - Diabetes examination: blood sugar test
  • High blood-pressure : Cholesterol test
  • Stress test : Tool for getting rid of stress

Treatment time

  • Week days: 9:00~18:00

School manager liability insurance

  • This is a system for supporting students who are injured during school life, training period or volunteering work. Students can join the insurance and get benefitted on medical treatment fee from the insurance.