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College of Humanities and Arts

HOME EducationUndergraduateCollege of Humanities and Arts

Build an advanced country with first-class culture

The College of Humanities and Arts is nurturing competitive talent with integrated thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for the cultural industry, which is emerging as the core of the information age of the 21st century. In addition, we are taking the lead in building a world-class cultural advanced country by cultivating “holistic and cultural” talents by combining the humanities, the foundation of our studies, and various artistic fields.


Educational objectives

School of Asian Languages and Literature (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Major, International Korean Language Education Major) School of Asian Languages and Literature consists of three majors: Chinese Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Cultural Studies, and International Korean Language Education. In line with the 21st century international information age, we study the languages, literature and culture of East Asia in Korea, China, and Japan. We operate with the goal of nurturing talent with integrated thinking and problem-solving skills based on practical language skills.

Department phone number

?+82 61-750-3440/3450

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