2016-present: Director, Center for Green Agri-Food and Bio-Tech Education Agency, Korea
2010-present: Director, Genetic Engineering Research Institute, Sunchon National Univ.
2000-present: Professor, School of Food Science, Sunchon National Univ.
2010-2011: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Kansas State Univ., USA
1999-2001: Vice Dean, College of Life Science, Sunchon National Univ.
1997-1999: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Biochemistry, Iowa State Univ., USA
1991-1992: Exchange Professor, Dept. of Food Science and Biotechnology, Seoul National Univ.
Roles of carbonic anhydrase isozymes in biological systems
Evaluation of designer foods
Chemical characterization of blending tea and coffee products
Development of functional materials using blackcurrant
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Carbonic Anhydrase XII from Pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) Int. J. Molecular Sci. 2018-19-842 (2018)
Molecular cloning and characterization of secretory carbonic anhydrase VI in pu?er?sh (Takifugu rubripes) Genes 640: 57-65 (2017)
Imunohistolocalization of Carbonic Anhydrase in Kidney and Intestine of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Kor. J. Food Nutr. 29: 33-36 (2016)
Identification and intracellular localization of carbonic anhydrase I in gills, heart, muscle, and intestine of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, J. App. Biol. Chem 58: 729-733(2015)
Mesoflavibacter aestuarii sp. nov., a zeaxanthin producing marine bacterium isolated from seawater, Int. J. Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiol. 64: 1932-1937 (2014)
Effects of Salicornia herbacea Powder on Quality Traits of Sun-Dried Hanwoo Beef Jerkey during Storage, Kor. J. Food Sci. of Animal Resour. 33: 205-213 (2013)
Detection of Endolichenic Fungi Producing Antifungal Compound, Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 40: 23-29(2012)
Characteristics of Gouda Cheese Supplemented with Korean Traditional Yakju, Kor. J. Food Sci. of Animal Resour. 31: 872-878 (2011)
Discovery of Carbonic Anhydrase Isozyme in Sea Bass, Lateolabrax japonicus and Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. J. Appl. Biol. Chem. 54: 649-652 (2010)
Rat mesenchymal stem cells increase tyrosine hydroxylase ex-pression and dopamine content in ventral mesencephalic cells in vitro, Cell Biol. Int. 32: 1433-1438 (2009)
버블 침지 및 천연 세척보조제를 이용한 꼬막의 미생물 저감화를 위한 위생적 세척 방법 (출원 10-2020-0062574, 2020년)
꼬막 가정편의식 제조방법 (출원 10-2020-0062573, 2020년)
피조개 식해 조성물 및 피조개 식해 제조 방법 (출원 10-2020-0062904, 2020년)
알러지 및 탈모 개선용 산양삼 추출물 및 그 제조 방법 (등록 10-2091038, 2020년)
유자 과피 및 구아바 잎을 이용한 천년초 발효액의 제조방법 (등록 10-1975874, 2019년)
우슬 함유 음료의 제조방법 및 이에 따라 제조된 우슬 함유 음료 (등록 10-1852486, 2018년)
미아 및 우슬 함유 맥주의 제조방법 및 이에 따라 제조된 미아 및 우슬 함유 맥주 (등록 10-1852485, 2018년)
젖산균 및 효소를 이용한 천년초 발효액의 제조방법 (출원 10-2017-0089583, 2017년)
무가당 유자 과피차의 제조 방법 (등록 10-1729067, 2017년)
진저롤이 함유된 유자액상차 조성물 및 이의 제조방법 (등록 10-1700137, 2017년)
발아벼와 죽숙피를 이용한 맥주의 제조 방법 및 그 방법에 따라 얻어진 맥주 (등록 10-1721131, 2017년)
죽순피를 이용한 맥주의 제조 방법 및 그 방법에 따라 얻어진 맥주 (등록 10-1721130, 2017년)
산화방지 가능한 가공장치 및 그를 이용한 가공방법 (등록 10-1506276, 2014년)
과채류용 진공 분쇄기 (등록 10-1562371, 2015년)
딸기세척장치 (등록 10-1311237, 2013년)
즉석 편이식 제조를 위한 효소압출팽화미분의 제조방법 (출원 10-2013-0073669, 2013년)
댓잎을 이용한 맥주의 제조 방법 및 그 방법에 따라 얻어진 맥주 (등록 10-1203624, 2012년)
소세지의 제조 방법 및 그 방법에 의하여 얻어진 소세지 (등록 10-1203624, 2012년)
닭 가슴살 육포의 제조 방법 및 그 방법에 의하여 얻어진 닭 가슴살 육포 (등록 10-1186387, 2011년)
다시마 뿌리 추출물의 추출방법 및 다시마 뿌리 추출물을 함유하는 변비 개선용 조성물 (출원 10-2011-0080728, 공개 1020130017964, 2011년)
연구수행 과제
국가표준식품성분표 제10개정 발간을 위한 식품자원의 비타민 B12 분석
식품자원의 비타민 B12 성분 DB 구축(제9개정판)
국가식품영양성분 DB 구축: 콜레스테롤, 비타민 A, E, B12, 베타카로틴, 엽산
[R&D 기술개발사업]
꼬막/부산물 활용 고부가 건강지향식품 개발 및 장건강 개선 기능성 연구
산양삼의 효용성 극대화를 위한 생물전환 기술 개발 및 제품 산업화
수출 건강지향형 당저감화 천년초 엑기스 및 제품개발
미아와 우슬을 이용한 기능성 Gourmet 맥주 및 양조 부산물 활용기술 개발
유자가공 신상품 개발 및 실용화
맞춤형 발효팽화미 소재 및 기능성 쌀편이식 개발
대나무를 활용한 식품개발사업
물김을 이용한 식품개발/황토지장수 김 제품 연구
젖산균 혼합발효를 이용한 청국장의 기능성 개선
Contents of vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamins) in commonly consumed seafood menus in Korea. J Nutr Health 54:211 (2021)
Enhancement of functional and sensory properties of eastern prickly pear (Opuntia humifusa) by fermentation with yuza peel and guava leaf. Food Bioscience 41 (2021) 100921
Phytochemical profile and antioxidant activity of Dracocephalum moldavica L. seed extracts using different extraction methods. Food Chem 350 (2021) 128531
Validation of a trienzyme-Lactobacillus casei method for folate analysis in fishery resources consumed in the Korean diet. Korean J Food Sci Technol 52:580 (2020)
Validation of folate, β-carotene and tocopherols analyses for Korean Namul prepared according to Korean standard recipes. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 49:1086 (2020)
Validation of immunoaffinity-HPLC/PDA method for microvitamin (biotin and cobalamins) analysis in marine resources and products. Korean J Food Preserv 27:744 (2020)
Analysis and verification of vitamin B12 in animal foods for update of national standard food composition table. Korean J Food Sci & Technol 52:317 (2020)
Starch characteristics, sugars and thermal properties of processing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars developed in Korea. Am J Potato Res 97:308 (2020)
Antioxidative properties of eastern prickly pear (Opuntia humifusa) fermented with lactic acid bacteria and cell wall-hydrolyzing enzymes. LWT 122:109029 (2020)
Water-soluble vitamin and GABA contents of brown rice affected by germination. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 48: 1359 (2019)
Comparison of the nutritional composition for Bokkeumbap products in high-frequency processed foods in the Republic of Korea. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 32:589 (2019)
Effect of water blanching on phenolic compounds, antioxidant activities, enzyme inactivation, microbial reduction, and surface structure of samnamul (Aruncus dioicus var kamtschaticus). Int J Food Sci Technol 55:1754 (2019)
Analyses of retinol, β-carotene, vitamin E and cholesterol contents in steamed- and braised-dishes of the Korean diet. Korean Soc Food Presev 26:796 (2019)
Verification of folate and vitamin B12 analyses for Korean key soups and stews prepared according to standard Korean recipes. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 48:1262 (2019)
Folate retention in Namul according to various heating methods. Korean J Food Sci & Technol 51:1 (2019)
Physicochemical characterization of brown rice and milled rice at 2% degree of milling (DOM). Korean J Food Sci & Technol 51:214 (2019)
Phenolics and antioxidant activity of aqueous turmeric extracts as affected by heating temperature and time. LWT-Food Sci Technol 105:149 (2019)
Ginsenoside contents and antioxidant activities of cultivated mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) with different ages. Kor Soc Food Preserv 26 (2019)
The effects of added water and grinding temperature on stability and degradation kinetics of antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, and ascorbic acid in ground apples. J Food Sci 83:3019 (2018)
Quality characteristics and storage stability of low-fat tofu prepared with defatted soy flours treated by supercritical-CO2 and hexane. LWT-Food Sci Technol 100:237 (2018)
Physicochemical properties of Saeilmi (Oryza sativa Linne) germinated with different steeping and germination time. Kor Soc Food Preserv 25:311(2018)
Yield and physicochemical properties of low fat tofu prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide treated soy flours with different fat levels. J Food Sci Technol (2018)
Immunoaffinity-HPLC analysis for vitamin B12 of Korean cattle-Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae). Food Anal Methods 11:2597(2018)
Analyses of cholesterol, retinol, β-carotene, and vitamin E contents in regional food of South Korea. J Kor Soc Food Sci Nutr 47:429(2018)
Degradation kinetics of phenolic content and antioxidant activity of hardy kiwifruit(Actinidia arguta) puree at different storage temperatures. LWT-Food Sci Technol 89: 535(2018)
Validation of pepsin-assisted extraction and immunoaffinity-HPLC/UV analysis for vitamin B12 in seafoods. J Kor Soc Food Sci Nutr 47(2) (2018)
Effect of grinding at modified atmosphere or vacuum on browning, antioxidant capacities, and oxidative enzyme activities of apple. J Food Sci 83:84(2018)
Effects of different cooking methods on folate retention in selected mushrooms. Kor J Food Preserv 24:1103 (2017)
Analysis of vitamin B12 in fresh cuts of Korean pork for update of national standard food composition table. Kor J Food Preserv 24:927(2017)
Variations in vitamin E, phenolic content, and antioxidant properties of different cultivars of whole wheat grains in South Korea. CyTA-J Food, 15:646(2017)
Phytosterol determination and method validation for selected nuts and seeds. Food Anal Methods. DOI 10.1007s12161-017-0877-3 (2017)
Cholesterol analysis of Korean eat-out foods for national food composition database. J Food Sci Technol DOI 10.1007s13197-017-2615-7 (2017)
Changes in β-carotene, vitamin E, and folate compositions and retention rates of pepper and paprika by color and cooking method. J Kor Soc Food Sci Nutr 46:713(2017)
Nutritional and Functional Properties of Water Extracts from Achyranthes japonica Nakai-Rice Pilsner Byproducts. J Kor Food Sci Nutr 46(2): (2017)
Physicochemical property and oxidative stability of chicken breast jerky treated various sweetening agents. Kor J Food Preserv 24(1): (2017)
Selected nutrient analyses of fresh, fresh-stored, and frozen fruits and vegetables. J Food Comp Anal 59: 8-17 (2017)
Physicochemical Property and Starch Digestibility of Tarakjuk prepared with Enzyme Treated Rice Extrudate Powder. Kor J Food Nutr 29: 692-697 (2016)
Effects of superheated steam treatment on volatile compounds and quality characteristics of onion. Kor J Food Preserv 23: 369-377 (2016)
Vitamin E Stability in Oil Seeds. Myanmar J 3: 32-45 (2016)
Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide on physicochemical properties and microbial reduction of freeze-dried bovine liver. Kor J Food Nutr 44: 1847-1855 (2015)
Validation of trienzyme extraction-microplate assay for folate in Korean ancestral rite food. Kor J Food Nutr 44:716-724 (2015)
Compositions of fatty acids and phytosterols of plant-based oils and their associations with anti-oxidative aapacity: Application of principal component analysis. Hortic Environ Biotechnol 56: 561-567 (2015)
Soluble ex-pression and purification of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand using Escherichia coli. J Microbiol Biotechnol 25: 274-279 (2015)
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옥돔과 옥두어의 신속 판별용 멀티플렉스 PCR 방법 및 이를 위한 PCR 프라이머. 등록 (10-2252413). 2021
토마토로부터 유래한 3‘-O-메틸전이효소, 그의 유전자 및 그들의 제조방법과 이들을 이용하여 만든 미생물로부터 크리소에리올, 아이소람네틴을 생산하는 방법. 등록 (10-1157116). 2012
바실러스 세리우스의 구토독소 및 설사독소를 동시에 검출할 수 있도록 재조합된 멀티플렉스 중합효소 연쇄반응 프라이머 세트. 등록(10-1200316). 2012
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염모제 중 계면활성제와 고급지방산의 제거방법 및 염모제 중 주요성분 동시분석방법. 등록(10-0898148). 2009
염모제 중 주요성분 동시분석방법. 등록(10-0930395). 2009
실험실 졸업생 현황
1. 문0호 한국식품안전관리인증원
2. 김0결 임실치즈&식품연구소
3. 이0현 개인사업
4. 조0현 전라남도보건환경연구원
5. 최0정 전라남도보건환경연구원
6. 정0경 장흥군버섯산업연구원
7. 박0지 식품의약품안전처
8. 이0철 한국식품안전관리인증원
9. 박0지 사조대림
10. 김0영 한국식품과학연구원
11. 오0경 국립농산물품질관리원
12. 정0선 한국식품과학연구원
13. 이0운 순천대학교 산학협력단
14. 김0영 농림축산검역본부
15. 임0유 한국식품과학연구원
16. 김0영 남해수산연구소
17. 김0중 엄지식품
18. 강0연 국립수산물품질관리원
19. 김0태 한국기능식품연구원
20. 서0우 개인사업
21. 김0훈 대한제분
22. 조0희 동원 F&B
23. 최0나 한국식품과학연구원
24. 오0진 삼영데리카후레쉬
25. 이0섭 개인사업
Toxin Genes and Antibiotic Resistance of Food Poisoning Bacteria Isolated from Food Service Equipment in Childcare Centers. J. Food Hyg Saf. 39(3), 266~272 (2024)
Molecular characterization and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients with diarrhea in Korea between the years 2007 and 2022. Food Sci Biotechnol. 33(6), 1965~1974 (2024)
Comparison of Heat Resistance of Bacillus subtilis, Geobacillus stearothermophilus, and Bacillus atrophaeus spores. J. Food Hyg Saf. 38(5), 356~360 (2023)
Comparison of Hygiene Evaluation Items in Restaurants and Catering Facilities. Safe Food. 18(1): 22-26 (2023)
Effect of Manganese Sulfate Concentration in Media on Production Speed of Insecticidal Crystal by Bacillus thuringiensis. J. Food Hyg Saf. 38(3), 170~175 (2023)
Improvement of critical control point and control limit in HACCP certified confectionery companies. Food Science and Industry. 56(2), 146-153 (2023)
Effect of Storage Conditions on Survival of Fungi in Red Pepper Powder. J. Food Hyg Saf. 38(2), 63~68 (2023)
Ultraviolet lamp replacement period and hygiene management plan of ultraviolet sterilizer. J. Food Hyg Saf. 38(1), 26~30 (2023)
Identification and control of contamination microorganisms in packaged tofu. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 38(6), 384~388 (2022)
Effect of sterilization conditions on microbial reduction in cleaning tools. J. Food Hyg Saf. 37(5), 310~316 (2022)
Comparison of macro and micro mineral contemts in domestic and imported Tricholoma matsutake. J. Food Hyg Saf. 37(5), 323~327 (2022)
Improvement plan of HACCP mandatory application foods and small-scale HACCP system. Food Science and Industry. 55(3), 301-307 (2022)
HACCP laws and operating system in Japan. Safe Food. 17(3): 3-7 (2022)
Comparison of food safety regulation between south and north Korea. Safe Food. 17(3): 17-23 (2022)
Inhibitory Effects of Copper, Brass, and Stainless Steel Surfaces on Multidrug-Resistant Microorganisms. Ann Clin Microbiol. 25(2): 35-44 (2022)
Toxin gene and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus isolated from kitchen cleaning tools in child care centers. Korean J Food Preserv, 29(4), 645-652 (2022)
EU HACCP Regulation and Operating Systems. Safe Food. 17(2): 8-10 (2022)
Isolation and Identification of Fungi and Yeast Contaminated in Rice Cake (Garaeddeok). J. Food Hyg Saf. 36(1), 5~9 (2022)
Evaluation of the Microbiological Safety of Cleaning Tools in Child Care Centers. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 38(1): 5~9 (2022)
Toxin Gene and Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus Isolated from Indoor Air in Cafeteria. J. Food Hyg Saf. 36(4), 520~527 (2021)
Smart HACCP development plan. Safe Food. 16(4): 15-19 (2021)
Development of smart HACCP effectiveness analysis model. Food Science and Industry. 54(3), 184-189 (2021)
Comparison of mineral and hazardous heavy metal contents in Lentinula edodes produced from Korea and China. Korean J. Food Preserv. 28(5) 699-703 (2021)
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샐러드의 미생물학적 안전성 및 일반세균 건조필름 정확도 평가 (2023)
병원규모에 최적화된 감염우려 의료폐기물 멸균분쇄 시스템 개발 (2023)
식품안전관리 제도 및 평가체계의 고도화 방안(2023)
HACCP 평가체계 및 중요관리점 운용 적절성 연구 (2022)
업종별 위생등급 지정평가 평가항목 개선방안 연구 (2022)
병원규모에 최적화된 감염우려 의료폐기물 멸균분쇄 시스템 개발 (2022)
가축의 생체시료 중 잔류물질 신속검사 키트 개발 및 인증체게 구축 (2022)
저장 조건이 고춧가루 중 곰팡이 생육에 미치는 영향 (2022)
유전정보를 이용한 수산물 품종 판별 및 데이터베이스 구축연구 (진위 판별 검증) (2021)
병원규모에 최적화된 감염우려 의료폐기물 멸균분쇄 시스템 개발 (2021)
HACCP 제도 발전방향 및 스마트 HACCP 도입 효과성 분석 연구 (2021)
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유전정보를 이용한 수산물 품종 판별 및 데이터베이스 구축연구 (진위 판별 검증) (2020)
황색포도상구균 검출 배지의 검증 및 모니터링 (2020)
스마트 HACCP 도입 효과성 분석 모델 개발 사업 (2020)
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지하수 중 일반세균수와 대장균군 정량에 대한 건조필름법과 수질시험법 비교 (2019)
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식육가공품에 대한 건조필름의 정확도 평가 (2018)
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버섯류 등 수입 농산물의 인위적 증량 판별법 연구 (2016)
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식품 등 기준·규격 검사업무 분석 및 효율적 운영방안 연구 (2015)
Bacillus thuringiensis의 계통 분류학적 유전특성 연구 (2012)
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영유아 분변 및 식품 중 Enterobacter sakazakii 분포현황 및 제어방법 연구(2008)
유해 미생물의 오염 및 바이오제닉 아민의 생성이 억제된 숙성치즈의 제조방법 및 이에 의해 제조된 숙성치즈(특허 제 10-22931125호). 2021년 8월
발아수수 당화와 효모발효에 의한 비건치즈 제조 및 그 방법(특허 제 10-2140625호). 2020년 7월
쌀가루를 이용한 누룩제조방법(특허 제 10-2142501호). 2020년 4월
클로렐라 효소 가수분해물을 첨가한 염지액을 이용한 가우다 치즈 제조방법(특허 제 10-1814664호). 2017년 12월
유산균 발효비지와 치즈를 이용한 떡의 제조방법 및 상기 방법으로 제조된 떡(특허 제 10-1811148호). 2017년 12월
표고, 상황 및 생약초 추출물을 이용한 버섯 혼합 음료의 제조방법 및 상기 방법으로 제조된 버섯 혼합 음료(특허 제 10-1781954호). 2017년 9월
프로바이오틱스 균주 및 황칠 추출물이 함유된 에다머 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1761840호). 2017년 7월
옻씨 추출물을 첨가한 발효유(특허 제 10-1758153호). 2017년 7월
신경세포 보호활성을 갖는 복합버섯 유산균 발효물 및 이의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1746208호). 2017년 6월
CLA함유 삼채라끌렛 치즈 및 이의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1726422호). 2017년 4월
항당뇨 활성이 있는 CLA 함유 발효유 및 이의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1726416호). 2017년 4월
산양유가 함유된 면역증진용 프로바이오틱스 분말의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1712981호). 2017년 2월
머루 성분을 포함하는 치즈 제조방법(특허 제 10-1711369호). 2017년 2월
허브 성분을 포함하는 치즈 제조방법(특허 제 10-1708008호). 2017년 2월
유청을 포함하는 막걸리 및 이의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1706341호). 2017년 2월
스노우볼 치즈의 제조 방법 및 이에 의해 제조된 스노우볼 치즈(특허 제 10-1705001호). 2017년 2월
매생이 성분이 첨가된 기능성 치즈 제조방법(특허 제 10-1660794호). 2017년 2월
치즈가 첨가된 이유식의 제조 방법 및 이에 의해 제조된 이유식(특허 제 10-1704999호). 2016년 9월
아로니아를 이용한 기능성 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1652917호). 2016년 8월
홍삼 및 복분자 발효물을 이용한 아펜젤라치즈의 제조 방법(특허 제 10-1631264호). 2016년 6월
아로니아 잼을 이용한 크림치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1631263호). 2016년 6월
콩가루와 유청단백질에 의해 단백질이 강화된 발효유의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1614120호). 2016년 4월
절단형 고다치즈 제조방법(특허 제 10-0134338호). 2016년 3월
청과류 발효액이 첨가된 발효유의 제조방법 및 발효푸딩의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1595534호). 2016년 2월
갈락토올리고당 생성 유산균주를 이용한 발효유의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1595014호). 2016년 2월
항산화 기능이 증진된 버섯 추출물의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1581910호). 2015년 12월
김치 유래 발효유용 스타터를 이용한 발효유의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1514023호). 2015년 4월
유산균 배양액과 계피추출물을 첨가한 식빵의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1525828호). 2015년 5월
계피추출물이 첨가된 김치유래유산균 발효유의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1514023호). 2015년 8월
체다치즈스틱의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1546224호). 2015년 3월
프로바이오틱스 유산균과 버섯자실체 추출물을 이용한 항산화 효과가 있는 발효유의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1498229호). 2015년 2월
유청과 표고버섯 자실체 추출물의 혼합 발효를 통한 기능성 음료의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1498226호). 2015년 2월
아이스크림 제조용 신선치즈 및 그 제조방법 및 아이스크림 제조용 신선치즈가 함유된 아이스크림의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1488471호). 2015년 1월
표고버섯 추출물을 첨가한 음료의 제조방법 및 상기 방법으로 제조된 음료. 2014년 12월
로마노 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1466366호). 2011월
프로바이오틱스 유산균을 활용한 발효유 제조방법(특허 제 10-142783호). 2014년 8월
인동초 추출물을 이용한 발효유 제조방법(특허 제 10-1427833호). 2014년 8월
비타민 B6가 함유된 리코타 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1427824호). 2014년 8월
항염 및 면역활성을 촉진하는 기능성 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-1408287호). 2014년 6월
들깻잎을 이용한 코니쉬 치즈의 제조방법(특허 제 10-136535호). 2014년 5월
천연 에센셜오일이 도포된 항진균 숙성 치즈의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조되는 항진균 숙성 치즈(특허 제 10-1383973호). 2014년 4월
전통주 및 그 제조방법(특허 제 10-1338278호). 2013년 12월
고로쇠 수액을 이용한 기능성 막걸리 제조방법(특허 제 10-1260471호). 2013년 4월
고로쇠 수액를 이용한 된장 및 그 제조방법(특허 제 10-1182385호). 2012년 9월
매실 피클의 제조방법(특허 제 10-0965272호). 2010년 6월
주요 연구실적
Comparative analysis of nutritional components in various parts of Hovenia dulcis Thunbergii. 2023.02. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Changes in Physical Properties of Prunus mume according to Storage and After-ripening. 2023.01. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science
Physicochemical Properties of Black Rice Flour Fermented by Complex Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Culture. 2022.12. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr
Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of traditional Korean soy sauce based on the proportion of onion juice. 2022.10. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Comparison of physicochemical properties by different parts of Rhus verniciflua and food properties of Rhus verniciflua seed. 2022.10. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Effects of Hwangto coating and grapefruit seed extract treatment on the ripening of Gouda cheese. 2022.08. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization
Fermentation of onion extract by lactic acid bacteria enhances its physicochemical properties. 2022.08. Korean J Food Sci Technology
Isolation and Identification of Fisetin: An Antioxidative Compound Obtained from Rhus verniciflua Seeds. 2022.07. Molecules
Antibacterial activity and stability of Sophora flavescens and Schisandra chinensis extracts against Streptococcus mutans KCCM 40105. 2022.06. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of yakju added with lactic acid bacteria-fermented ginseng sprouts. 2022.04. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Convergence study on the quality evaluation of ginseng sprout produced smart farm according to organic acid treatment and packing containers during storage. 2022.01. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
Suitability of Hot Water Extract from Panax ginseng Sprout Powder as a Dairy Additive. 2021.12. Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
Comparison of quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of 'Kochujang' comprising 'Nuruk' made from pigmented or white rice. 2021.10. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of kombucha made with different mixing ratios of green tea extract and yuzu juice during fermentation. 2021.08. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Isolation and identification of squalene as an antioxidative compound from the fruits of Prunus mume. 2021.07. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Antibacterial activity and stability of Prunus mume fruit extract against Streptococcus mutans KCCM 40105 strain. 2021-06. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality and antioxidant characteristics of ‘Yakju’ prepared with pigmented rice flour ‘Nuruk’. 2021-04. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of ‘Kochujang’ made with pigmented rice flour ‘Nuruk’ by various fungal strains during aging. 2020-10. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of Tenebrio molitor L. ingested yuzu supplemented feed 2019-12. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality analysis of Makgeolli made with non-steamed rice flour Nuruk by various fungal strains. 2019-08. Korean J Food Preservation
Storage stability of sourdough bread with lactic acid bacteria culture solution and cinnamon extract. 2019-02. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality changes during ripening of Gouda cheese coated with loess. 2019-08. Korean J Food Preservation
Analysis of quality characteristics of Ligularia fischeri cultivated in a greenhouse and an open field based on the harvest time. 2019-02. Korean J Food Preservation
Analysis of quality characteristics of Ligularia fischeri cultivated in a greenhouse and an open field based on the harvest time. 2019-02. Korean J Food Preservation
Storage stability of sourdough bread with lactic acid bacteria culture solution and cinnamon extract. 2019-02. Korean J Food Preservation
Efficient conversion of conjugated linoleic acid c9,t11 by Lactobacillus fermentation from vegetable oil to generate fermented milk with high CLA content. 2018-08. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of whey makgeolli vinegar produced using Acetobacter pomorum IWV-03. 2018-02. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of Streptococcus thermophilus KCCM 3782 strain fermented Cordyceps militaris grown on Tenebrio molitor. 2018-02. Korean J Food Preservation
Isolation and identification of antimicrobial substances from Korean Lettuce (Youngia sonchifolia M.). 2018-01. Food Science and Biotechnology
Quality characteristics and antioxidative activity of fermented milk added with hot water extract of Cordyceps militaris grown upon Tenebrio molitor. 2017-12. Korean J Food Preservation
Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of the ethanolic extract of Aralia continentalis Kitag. in IL-1β-stimulated human fibroblast-like synoviocytes and rodent models of polyarthritis and nociception. 2017-10. Phytomedicine
Effect of collection time on the chemical composition and levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance of Godulbaegi (Youngia sonchifolia M.). 2017-10. Korean J Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of sourdough bread added with lactic acid bacteria culture solution and cinnamon extract. 2017-10. Korean J Food Preservation.
Determination of flavonoids from Cirsium japonicum var. maackii and their inhibitory activities against aldose reductase. 2017-07. Appl Biol Chem.
Quality characteristics of blended tea with added pan-firing Rhus verniciflua seed and change in its antioxidant activity during storage. 2017-06. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol.
Protective effect of cirsimaritin against streptozotocin-induced apoptosis in pancreatic beta cells. 2017-04. J Pharmacy Pharmacology.
Antioxidant activities of Rhus verniciflua seed extract and quality characteristics of fermented milk containing Rhus verniciflua seed extract. 2016-11-30. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Effects of Allium hookeri Root Water Extracton Inhibit Adipogenesis and GLUT-4 ex-pression in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. 2016-04-30. Food Science and Biotechnology
Anti-diabetic effect of fermented milk including Conjugated linoleic acid in type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2016-04-30. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources
Quality and Storage Characteristics of Yogurt Containing Lacobacillus sakei ALI033 and Cinnamon Ethanol Extract. 2016-04-26. Journal of Animal Science and Technology
Identification of Antifungal Substances by Lactobacillus sakei sub sp.ALI033 and Antifungal Activity against Penicillium brevicompactum strain FI02. 2016-03-31. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
Comparison of Physicochemical Properties between Conventional and High-Yielding Rice Varieties. 2016-02-29. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
Neuroprotective Activities of Fermented Ganoderma lucidum Extracts by Lactic Acid Bacteria against H2O2-Stimulated Oxidative Stress in PC12 Cells. 2015-08-31. Food Science and Biotechnology
Physiochemical property of edible tissues (sprout and root) of steam-treated reed. 2015-08-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Quality characteristics of whey Makgeolli by Kluyvero myces marxianus. 2015-08-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Anti-amnesic Effect of Fermented Ganoderma lucidum Water Extracts by Lactic Acid Bacteria on Scopolamine-induced Memory Impairment in Rats. 2015-06-30. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
Comparison of quality properties and identification of acetic acid bacteria for black waxy rice vinegar. 2015-06-30. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Anti-inflammatory Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Water Extracts Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria via HO-1 ex-pression in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 Macrophages. 2015-02-28. Food Science and Biotechnology
Determination of saikosaponins in three Bupleurum plants by HPLC analysis. 2015-02-28. RESEARCH ON CROPS
Preparation of a Functional Drink by Mixed Fermentation of Oak Mushrooms Extract and Whey. 2014-12-31. Korean J. Dairy Sci. Technol.
Quality Characteristics of Protein-enriched Fermented Milk made with Whey and Soybean Flour. 2014-12-31. Korean J. Dairy Sci. Technol.
Comparison for enzymic activity of Nuruk and quality properties of Yakju by different fungi. 2014-08-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
신바이오틱스를 활용한 노인건강기능식품 시장진입 전략. 2014-06-30. 식품저장과 가공산업
Antioxidative Activity of Mushroom Water Extracts Fermented by Lactic Acid Bacteria. 2014-02-28. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Fermented Milk containing Mushroom Extracts. 2013-12-31. Korean J. Dairy Sci.Technol.
Potential of Antifungal Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Kimchi as Cheese Starters. 2013-12-31. Korean J. Dairy Sci. Technol.
Antifungal activity against cheese fungi by lactic acid bacteria isolated from kimchi. 2013-10-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Comparison of the organic acids, fusel oil contents and antioxidant activities of Yakju with the additions of various rice cultivars. 2013-06-30. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
The Effects of the Addition of Cheese in the Manufacture of Rice Cakes Colored with 5 Vegetable Derived Natural Coloring Materials. 2013-06-30. Korean J. Dairy Sci. Technol.
Quality Characteristics of Rice Wine according to the Rice Wine Seed Mash with Lactic Acid Concentration. 2012-12-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Fermentation and Quality Characteristics of Yakju According to Different Rice Varieties. 2012-12-31. Korean Journal of Food Preservation
Prevention of Fungal Contamination during Cheese Ripening- Current Situation and Future Prospects. 2012-12-31. Korean J. Dairy Sci. Technol.
흡유 저감된 어육 단백질 스낵 및 그 제조 방법 (출원번호 : 10-2023-0154143)
천연유화소재를 이용한 식물성 비건용 마요네즈 및 그 제조 방법 (출원번호 : 10-2023-0114663)
레드향 발효 음료 및 그 제조 방법 (출원번호: 10-2022-0070799)
바나나 발효 음료 및 그 제조 방법 (출원번호: 10-2022-0067021)
새싹인삼 약주 및 그 제조 방법 (출원번호: 10-2021-0129436)
전분-하이드로콜로이드를 사용한 글루텐 무첨가 압연면의 제조방법 (출원번호: 10-2019-0104600)
올레오젤과 하이드로콜로이드가 혼합하여 제조된 식물성 지방 조성물 (출원번호: 10-2018-0132830)
저작물성 테스트장치 (출원번호: 10-2018-0039678)
식감이 향상된 홍삼 유과의 제조방법 (등록번호: 10-1549976, 2015)
주요 연구과제
식용곤충 오일의 구조화기술 활용한 지방대체재 개발 및 가공적성과 건강기능성 규명/순천대학교/연구책임자/3년/2021~2024
국내 아열대 단지 육성을 위한 생산 소비 기반기술 개발/순천대학교/연구책임자/2년/2021~2022
Gland ICT 연구센터/순천대학교/참여연구원/7.5년/2020~2027
식물성 유지의 고체구조화 공법 기반 천연유지젤 개발 및 응용성 연구/세종대학교/연구책임자/3년/2017~2019
루틴 강화 메밀을 활용한 고부가 응용식품 개발/세종대학교/연구책임자/3년/2017~2020
고령친화 전통식품의 단계별 품질 지표 및 기준 시료 개발/세종대학교/참여연구원/2년/2017~2018
주요 연구실적
Characterization of mixed-component oleogels: Beeswax and glycerol monostearate interactions towards Tenebrio Molitor larvae oil, Current Research in Food Science (IF: 6.3), 8 100689 (2024.01)
Development of an Emulsion Gel Containing Peanut Sprout Oil as a Fat Replacer in Muffins: Physicochemical, Tomographic, and Texture Properties Gels (IF: 4.702), 9(10) 783 (2023. 09)
The development of fermented beverages through lactic acid fermentation of domestic banana corresponding to climate change, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(2) 165-172 (2023. 03)
Changes in Physical Properties of Prunus mume according to Storage and After-ripening, Journal of Agriculture and Life Science, 57(1) 87-98 (2023. 01)
Improvement of antioxidant activity and change in functional ingredients upon lactic acid fermentation in domestic pineapple, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(5) 531-538 (2022. 09)
The Characteristic of Insect Oil for a Potential Component of Oleogel and Its Application as a Solid Fat Replacer in Cookies, Gels (IF: 4.702), 8(6)355 (2022. 06)
Convergence study on the quality evaluation of ginseng sprout produced smart farm according to organic acid treatment and packing containers during storage, Korea Covergence Society (2022.01)
Development of antioxidant-fortified oleogel and its application as a solid fat replacer to muffin, Foods (IF: 4.350), 10, 3059 (2021.12)
Utilization of butter and oleogel blends in sweet pan bread for saturated fat reduction: Dough rheology and baking performance, LWT-Food Science and Technology(IF: 4.952),154, 109194 (2020.05)
Convergence study on the development of efficient systems for suppression of starch hydrolysis in vitro starch digestibility, Korea Covergence Society 11(5): 35-41 (2020.05)
Effect of turanose on the rheology and oil uptake of instant fried noodles, International Journal of Food Science and Technology (IF: 3.713), 55: 1336-1342 (2020.03)
Micro-computed tomographic and proton NMR characterization of cooked noodles in comparison with conventional methods, Journal of Food Engineering (IF: 5.354), 270:109765 (2020.04)
Rheological, microstructural, and tomographical studies on the rehydration improvement of hot air-dried noodles with oleogel, Journal of Food Engineering (IF: 5.354), 268, 109750 (2020.03)
Anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects of ginseng vinegar in high-fat diet fed mice, Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(6) 1829-1836 (2019.12)
Optical, rheological, thermal, and microstructural elucidation of rutin enrichment in Tartary buckwheat flour by hydrothermal treatments, Food Chemistry, 300, 125193 (2019.12)
Feasibility of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose oleogel as an animal fat replacer for saturated fat-reduced meat patties, Food Research International, 122, 566-572 (2019.08)
Artificial saliva-induced structural breakdown of rice flour gels under simulated chewing conditions, Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(2): 387-393 (2019.04)
Elucidation of rheological, microstructural, water mobility, and noodle-making properties of rice flour affected by turanose, Food Chemistry, 267(15): 9-14 (2019.03)
Influence of arabic gumon in vitro starch digestibility and noodle-making quality of Segoami, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 125: 668?673 (2019. 03)
Particle size effect of rice flour in a rice-zein noodle system for gluten-free noodles slit from sheeted doughs, Journal of Cereal Science, 86: 48-53 (2019, 03)
텍스처 분석기를 활용한 즉석밥 물성 측정 방법의 상호 비교, 산업식품공학, 22(4): 381-385, (2018.11)
Hypoglycemic effect of dry heat treated starch with xanthan: An in vitro and in vivo comparative study, Starch-starke, 70(9-10): 1800088 (2018.09)
Utilization of foam structured hydroxypropyl methylcellulose for oleogels and their application as a solidfat replacer in muffins, Food Hydrocolloids, 77: 796-802 (2018. 04)
Effect of dry heat treatment on physical property and in vitro starch digestibility of high amylose rice starch, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 108: 568-575 (2018.03)
식품산업에서 물성분석장치의 활용 동향, 식품과학과산업, 51, 2-7 (2018.02)
Complexation of high amylose rice starch and hydrocolloid through dry heat treatment: physical property and in vitro starch digestibility, Journal of Cereal Science, 79: 341-347 (2018.01)
Assessing the effectiveness of wax-based sunflower oil oleogels in cakes as a shortening replacer, LWT-Food Science and Technology. 86: 430-437 (2017. 12)
Classification of hydrocolloids based on in vitro starch digestibility and rheological properties of Segoami gel, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 104: 442-448 (2017. 11)
Effect of amylose contents and degree of gelatinization of rice flour on in vitro starch digestibility, physical, and morphological properties, Food Progress Engineering, 21(4): 341-350 (2017.11)
Evaluation of soybean oil-carnauba wax oleogels as an alternative to high saturated fat frying media for instant fried noodles, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 84: 788-794 (2017.10)
Optimized preparation of anthocyanin-rich extract from black rice and its effects on in vitro digestibility, Food Science and Biotechnology, 26(5): 1415-1422 (2017.10)
In vitro starch digestion and cake quality: Impact of the ratio of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 63, 98-103 (2014, 2)
Preparation of Garaedduk with Buckwheat Flour Using Retrogradation retardation Technology, Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45(4) 460-465 (2013)
Effect of Barley Flour on Texture and Sensory Characteristics of Garraedduk Prepared by Retrogradation-Retardation Technology, Food Progress Engineering, 17(3), 219-225 (2013)
Rheological characterization of levan polysaccharides from Microbacterium laevaniformans, International journal of biological macromolecules, 42(1) 10-13 (2008)
Effects of Microbacterium laevaniformans levan's molecular weight on cytotoxicity. Journal of Miocrobiology and Biotechnology, 14(5) 985- 990 (2004)