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    • 서울대학교 물리교육과 학사 (2006)
    • 서울대학교 과학교육과 물리전공 교육학 석사 (2008)
    • 서울대학교 과학교육과 물리전공 교육학 박사 (2016)


    • 한국교육과정평가원 부연구위원(위촉)
    • 서울대학교 과학교육과 BK 사업단 박사후연구원
    • 한성과학고등학교 기간제 물리 교사


    • 물리 개념 이해
    • 과학과 교수-학습
    • 과학과 교육과정 및 평가
  • 정순길교수



    • 부경대학교 물리학과 (학사, 2005)
    • 성균관대학교 대학원 물리학과 (석사, 2007)
    • 성균관대학교 대학원 물리학과 (박사, 2011)


    • 성균관대학교 자연과학대학 연구교수 (2015. 08 - 2023. 02)
    • 성균관대학교 기초과학연구원 선임연구원 (2013. 06 - 2015. 07)
    • KU Leuven (벨기에) 물리천문학부 박사후연구원 (2012. 05 - 2013. 04)
    • 성균관대학교 물리연구단 박사후연구원 (2011. 03 - 2012. 04)


      초전도체, 양자물질
    • Superconducting critical properties under high pressure
    • Quantum criticality of heavy fermion superconductors
    • Control of disorder in quantum matters via irradiation
    • Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition
    • High-entropy alloy superconductors
    • Vortex dynamics and flux pinning in type-II superconductors
    • Hall effect
    • Fabrication of thin films and bulk


    • Samdong Academic Award, 한국초전도저온학회 (2022)
    • Best Presentation, 한국초전도저온학회 (2021)
    • Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter in 2018 (IOP Publishing).
    • Best Presentation, 한국초전도저온공학회 (2017)
    • Best Poster, 한국물리학회 (2009)
    • The Lotte Scholarship (2007)


    • Jihyun Kim, Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Sunmog Yeo, and Tuson Park, "Thermal driven gigantic enhancement in critical current density of high-entropy alloy superconductors" Journal of Materials Science & Technology 189, 60-67 (2024. 08.01).
    • Soon-Gil Jung*, Harim Jang, Jihyun Kim, Jin-Hong Park, Sangyun Lee, Soonbeom Seo, Eric D. Bauer, and Tuson Park, "A quenched disorder in the quantum-critical superconductor CeCoIn5" Advanced Science 11(1), 2304837 (2024. 01.05), (2023. 11.20)_Early View.
    • Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Rahmatul Hidayati, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Jung Min Lee, Won Nam Kang, Woo Seok Choi, Hye-Ran Jeon, Jaekwon Suk, and Tuson Park, "High critical current density and high-tolerance superconductivity in high-entropy alloy thin films", Nature Communications 13, 3373 (2022. 06.11).
    • Soon-Gil Jung, Soonbeom Seo, Sangyun Lee, Eric D. Bauer, Han-Oh Lee, and Tuson Park, "A peak in the critical current for quantum critical superconductors", Nature Communications 9, 434 (2018. 01).
    • Soon-Gil Jung, Jung Min Lee, Tae-Ho Park, Tian Le, Xin Lu, Chan Young Lee, Sunmog Yeo, Han-Yong Choi, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Field-induced quantum breakdown of superconductivity in magnesium diboride", NPG Asia Materials 13, 55 (2021. 07. 23).
    • Soon-Gil Jung, Soohyeon Shin, Harim Jang, Won Nam Kang, Jeong Hwan Han, Akinori Mine, Tsuyoshi Tamegai, and Tuson Park, "Manipulating superconducting phases via current-driven magnetic states in rare-earth-doped CaFe2As2", NPG Asia Materials 10, 156-162 (2018. 4.11)
    • Soon-Gil Jung*, Duong Pham, Tae-Ho Park, Han-Yong Choi, Jin Won Seo, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Giant proximity effect in single-crystalline MgB2 bilayers" Scientific Reports 9, 3315 (2019.03.01).
    • Soon-Gil Jung*, Duong Pham, Yoonseok Han, Jung Min Lee, Won Nam Kang, Chorong Kim, Sunmog Yeo, Byung-Hyuk Jun, and Tuson Park, "Improvement of bulk superconducting current capability of MgB2 films using surface degradation", Scripta Materialia 209, 114424 (2022.03.01).
    • Dongwon Shin, Soon-Gil Jung*, Sehun Seo, Jongmin Lee, Sanghan Lee, Jin Hee Kim, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Woo Seok Choi, and Tuson Park, "Mixed-state Hall scaling behavior and vortex phase diagram in FeSe0.7Te0.3 thin films", Physical Review B 105, 064519 (2022.02.28).
    • Soon-Gil Jung*, Ji-Hoon Kang, Eunsung Park, Sangyun Lee, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, Dmitriy A. Chareev, Alexander N. Vasiliev, and Tuson Park, "Enhanced critical current density in the pressure-induced magnetic state of the high-temperature superconductor FeSe" Scientific Reports 5, (2015.11.09).
    • 주요연구실적

      4. 이종수, 김진희, 박두선, 정순길*, 한윤석, 강원남, 최우석, "벌크형 고엔트로피 합금 초전도체 제조 방법, 이에 의해 제조된 벌크형 고엔트로피 합금 초전도체 및 이를 사용한 박막형 고엔트로피 합금 초전도체 제조 방법", Republic of Korea, Patent No.: 10-2705456 (2024년 09월 05일).

      3. W. N. Kang, K. H. Cho, Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, K. C. Chung, "Manufacturing method for film type MgB2 superconducting long wire and manufacturing apparatus of film type MgB2 superconducting long wire using the method and film type MgB2 superconducting long wire prepared by using the method", Republic of Korea, Patent No.: 10-1232406 (February 05, 2013).

      2. W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, "Method of preparing Fe-As based superconducting thin film", Republic of Korea, Patent No.:10-1069522 (September 26, 2011).

      1. W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, "Method of preparing target used for Fe-As based superconducting thin film", Republic of Korea, Patent No.:10-1052145 (July 20, 2011).


      SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded)

      77. Jimin Jang, Pawan Kumar Srivastava, Minwoong Joe, Soon-Gil Jung, Tuson Park, Youngchan Kim, Changgu Lee, "Half-Metallic Antiferromagnetic 2D Nonlayered Cr2Se3 Nanosheets", ACS Nano 19(1), 999-1006 (2025.01.14).

      76. Tien Le, Yeonkyu Lee, Dzung T. Tran, Woo Seok Choi, Won Nam Kang, Jinyoung Yun, Jeehoon Kim*, Jaegu Song, Yoonseok Han, Tuson Park, Duc H. Tran, Soon-Gil Jung*, Jungseek Hwang*, "Effect of C additives with 0.5% in weight on structural, optical, and superconducting properties of Ta-Nb-Hf-Zr-Ti high-entropy alloy films", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1008, 176863 (2024. 12.15).

      75. Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Rahmatul Hidayati, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Jun Hyuk Choi, Suyoung Kim, Eundeok Mun, and Tuson Park, "Fabrication of high-entropy alloy superconducting wires by powder-in-tube method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 995, 174816 (2024. 08.15).

      74. Jihyun Kim, Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Sunmog Yeo, and Tuson Park, "Thermal driven gigantic enhancement in critical current density of high-entropy alloy superconductors" Journal of Materials Science & Technology 189, 60-67 (2024. 08.01).

      73. Soon-Gil Jung*, Harim Jang, Jihyun Kim, Jin-Hong Park, Sangyun Lee, Soonbeom Seo, Eric D. Bauer, and Tuson Park, "A quenched disorder in the quantum-critical superconductor CeCoIn5" Advanced Science 11(1), 2304837 (2024. 01.05), (2023. 11.20)_Early View.

      72. Li Liu, Jung Min Lee, Yoonseok Han, Jaegu Song, Chorong Kim, Jaekwon Suk, Won Nam Kang*, Jie Liu*, Soon-Gil Jung*, and Tuson Park*, "Effects of irradiation on superconducting properties of small-grained MgB2 thin films", Chinese Physics B 32(12), 127402 (2023. 12.01).

      71. Dzung T. Tran, Tien Le, Yu-Seong Seo, Duc H. Tran, Tuson Park, Soon-Gil Jung, T. Miyanaga, Chorong Kim, Sunmog Yeo, Won Nam Kang, and Jungseek Hwang, "Roles of Fe-ion irradiation on MgB2 thin films: Structural, superconducting, and optical properties", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 968, 172144 (2023. 12.15) (online 2023. 09.14).

      70. Rahmatul Hidayati, Jin Hee Kim, Soon-Gil Jung, Ki-Sub Cho, Jae Hyun Yun, and Jong-Soo Rhyee, "Enhancement of critical current density and critical magnetic field of superconducting medium entropy alloy Nb2/5Hf1/5Zr1/5Ti1/5", Acta Materialia 261, 119420 (2023. 12.01) (online 2023. 10.13).

      69. Hyo-Bin Ahn*, Soon-Gil Jung*, Hyungjong Lim, Kwangsoo Kim, Sanghoon Kim, Tae-Eon Park, Tuson Park, Changgu Lee, "Giant coercivity enhancement in a room-temperature van der Waals magnet through substitutional metal-doping", Nanoscale 15(26), 11290-11298 (2023. 07.14) (online 2023. 06.06).

      68. Chandan Kumar Panda, Hong Gu Lee, Hwiwoo Park, Soon-Gil Jung, Ki-Young Choi, Jungseek Hwang, "Bosonic spectrum of a correlated multiband system, BaFe1.80Co0.20As2, obtained via infrared spectroscopy", Results in Physics 50, 106572 (2023. 07.01) (online 2023. 05.26).

      67. Tien Le, Jung Min Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, Tuson Park, Duc H. Tran, and Won Nam Kang, "Hall effects of c-axis-oriented Mg1-xAlxB2 thin film", Materials Letters 330, 133372 (2023. 01.01) (online 2022. 10.21).

      66. Samreen Rashid, Soohyeon Shin, Harim Jang, Soon-Gil Jung, Eundeok Mun, Tuson Park, "Synthesis and characterization of iQC Al13Cr2 phase single crystal", Materials Letters 325, 132861 (2022. 10.15) (online 2022. 07.20).

      65. Hyunji An, Jeong-Kyu Kim, Soon-Gil Jung, Sangmo Kim, Kyeongho Na, Jiwoong Yang, Jaesun Song, Tuson Park, Chung Wung Bark, Sooran Kim, Kyung-Tae Ko, Bongjae Kim, and Sanghan Lee, "Tunable Magnetism and Morphology of Ferromagnetic Nanocups in Perovskite Ferroelectric Films via Co Exsolution of Transition Metals", ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4, 4499?4506 (2022. 09.13).

      64. Vuong Thi Anh Hong, Harim Jang, Soon-Gil Jung, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Rahmatul Hidayati, Jong-Soo Rhyee, and Tuson Park, "Probing superconducting gap of the high-entropy alloy Ta1/6Nb2/6Hf1/6Zr1/6Ti1/6 via Andreev reflection spectroscopy", Physical Review B 106, 024504 (2022. 07.05).

      63. Jin Hee Kim, Rahmatul Hidayati, Soon-Gil Jung, Yusuff Adeyemi Salawu, Heon-Jung Kim, Jae Hyun Yun, and Jong-Soo Rhyee, "Enhancement of critical current density and strong vortex pinning in high entropy alloy superconductor Ta1/6Nb2/6Hf1/6Zr1/6Ti1/6 synthesized by spark plasma sintering", Acta Materialia 232, 117971 (2022. 06.15).

      62. Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Jin Hee Kim, Rahmatul Hidayati, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Jung Min Lee, Won Nam Kang, Woo Seok Choi, Hye-Ran Jeon, Jaekwon Suk, and Tuson Park, "High critical current density and high-tolerance superconductivity in high-entropy alloy thin films", Nature Communications 13, 3373 (2022. 06.11).

      61. Soon-Gil Jung, Duong Pham, Yoonseok Han, Jung Min Lee, Won Nam Kang, Chorong Kim, Sunmog Yeo, Byung-Hyuk Jun, and Tuson Park, "Improvement of bulk superconducting current capability of MgB2 films using surface degradation", Scripta Materialia 209, 114424 (2022.03.01).

      60. Dongwon Shin, Soon-Gil Jung*, Sehun Seo, Jongmin Lee, Sanghan Lee, Jin Hee Kim, Jong-Soo Rhyee, Woo Seok Choi, and Tuson Park, "Mixed-state Hall scaling behavior and vortex phase diagram in FeSe0.7Te0.3 thin films", Physical Review B 105, 064519 (2022.02.28).

      59. Jung Min Lee, Soon-Gil Jung*, Yoonseok Han, Tae-Ho Park, Jaekyung Jang, Hye-ran Jeon, Sunmog Yeo, Han-Yong Choi, Tuson Park, and Won Nam Kang, "Influence of disorder strength on the superconducting mechanism of MgB2", Superconductor Science and Technology 35, 015001 (2022.01.01) (Published 25 November 2021, online). -Korean Team Manipulates SC Properties of MgB2 via Disorder Strength Vol. 35, No. 11, page 12 (January 02, 2022) _www.superconductorweek.com

      58. Sangyun Lee, Tae Beom Park, Jihyun Kim, Soon-Gil Jung, Won Kyung Seong, Namjung Hur, Yongkang Luo, Duk Y. Kim, and Tuson Park, "Tuning the CDW quantum critical point and the appearance of superconductivity in TiSe2", Physical Review Research 3, 033097 (2021. 07. 28).

      57. Soon-Gil Jung, Jung Min Lee, Tae-Ho Park, Tian Le, Xin Lu, Chan Young Lee, Sunmog Yeo, Han-Yong Choi, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Field-induced quantum breakdown of superconductivity in magnesium diboride", NPG Asia Materials 13, 55 (2021. 07. 23).

      56. Soon-Gil Jung, Duong Pham, Jung Min Lee, Younseok Han, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Effects of surface damage on critical current density in MgB2 thin films", Current Applied Physics 22, 14-19 (2021. 02. 01).

      55. Soon-Gil Jung, "Can iron-based superconductors become the next generation coated conductor?", Superconductor Science and Technology 33(9), 090501 (2020. 07.30)._Viewpoint

      54. Gareoung Kim, Min-HoLee, Jae HyunYun, Pooja Rawat, Soon-Gil Jung, Woong jin Choi, Tae-Soo You, Sung Jin Kim, Jong-SooRhyee, "Strongly correlated and strongly coupled s-wave superconductivity of the high entropy alloy Ta1/6Nb2/6Hf1/6Zr1/6Ti1/6 compound", Acta Materialia 186, 250-256 (2020. 03. 01).

      53. Mallikarjuna Reddy Kesama, Sreekantha Reddy Dugasani, Soon-Gil Jung, Bramaramba Gnapareddy, Tuson Park, and Sung Ha Park, "Band gap, dielectric constant, and susceptibility of DNA layers as controlled by vanadium ion concentration", Nanotechnology 31(8), 085705 (2020. 02.21)_online published 29 November.

      52. Sehun Seo, Heesung Noh, Ning Li, Jianyi Jiang, Chiara Tarantini, Ruochen Shi, Soon-Gil Jung, Myeong Jun Oh, Mengchao Liu, Jongmin Lee, Genda Gu, Youn Jung Jo, Tuson Park, Eric Hellstrom, Peng Gao, and Sanghan Lee, “Artificially engineered nanostrain in FeSexTe1-x superconductor thin films for supercurrent enhancement”, NPG Asia Materials 12, 7 (2020. 01. 24).

      51. Hyunji An, Hyo Jin Hong, Yong-Ryun Jo, Soon-Gil Jung, Sangmo Kim, Sangwoo Kim, Jongmin Lee, Hojoong Choi, Hongji Yoon, So-Young Kim, Jaesun Song, Sang Yun Jeong, Byoung Hun Lee, Tae-Yeong Koo, Tuson Park, Kyung-Tae Ko, Bongjae Kim, Bong-Joong Kim, Chung Wung Bark, and Sanghan Lee, "Reversible magnetoelectric switching in multiferroic three-dimensional nanocup heterostructure films", NPG Asia Materials 11, 68 (2019. 11. 29).

      50. Duong Pham, Soon-Gil Jung, Duc H Tran, Tuson Park, and Won Nam Kang, "Angle-dependent Hall effect and vortex dynamics in single-crystalline MgB2 thin films" Superconductor Science and Technology 32(11), 115011 (2019.11.01)_online published 7 October.

      49. Soon-Gil Jung, Duong Pham, Tae-Ho Park, Han-Yong Choi, Jin Won Seo, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Giant proximity effect in single-crystalline MgB2 bilayers" Scientific Reports 9, 3315 (2019.03.01).

      48. Soon-Gil Jung, Seung-Ku Son, Duong Pham, Weon Cheol Lim, Jonghan Song, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Enhanced Critical Current Density in the Carbon-Ion Irradiated MgB2 Thin Films" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88(3), 034716 (2019.03)_online published 22 February.

      47. Soon-Gil Jung, Seung-Ku Son, Duong Pham, Weon Cheol Lim, Jonghan Song, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Influence of carbon-ion irradiation on the superconducting critical properties of MgB2 thin films", Superconductor Science and Technology 32(2), 025006 (2019.02.01)_online published 7 January. Corrigendum

      46. Duong Pham, Soon-Gil Jung, Duc Tran, Tuson Park, and Won Nam Kang, "Effects of oxygen ion implantation on single-crystalline MgB2 thin films", Journal of Applied Physics 125(2), 023904 (2019.01.14)_Published Online: 10 January 2019.

      45. Sangyun Lee, Jaekyung Jang, Sung-Il Kim, Soon-Gil Jung, Jihyun Kim, Suyeon Cho, Sung Wng Kim, Joo Yull Rhee, Kee-Su Park, and Tuson Park, "Origin of extremely large magnetoresistance in the candidate type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2-x", Scientific Reports 8, 13937 (2018.09.17).

      44. Duong Pham, Huynh Van Ngoc, Soon-Gil Jung, Dae Joon Kang, and Won Nam Kang, "Enhanced critical current density of MgB2 thin films deposited at low temperatures by ZnO seed impurity", Current Applied Physics 18(6), 762-766 (2018.06.01).

      43. Cheng Tan, Jinhwan Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, Tuson Park, Sultan Albarakati, James Partridge, Matthew R. Field, Dougal G. McCulloch, Lan Wang, and Changgu Lee, "Hard magnetic properties in nanoflake van der Waals Fe3GeTe2", Nature Communications 9, 1554 (2018.04.19).

      42. Soon-Gil Jung, Soohyeon Shin, Harim Jang, Won Nam Kang, Jeong Hwan Han, Akinori Mine, Tsuyoshi Tamegai, and Tuson Park, "Manipulating superconducting phases via current-driven magnetic states in rare-earth-doped CaFe2As2", NPG Asia Materials 10, 156-162 (2018. 4.11) doi:10.1038/s41427-018-0030-9.

      41. Soohyeon Shin, Priscila. F.S. Rosa, Filip Ronning, Joe D. Thomson, Brian L. Scott, Sangyun Lee, Harim Jang, Soon-Gil Jung, Eunbhin Yun, Hyoyoung Lee, Eric D. Bauer, and Tuson Park, "Synthesis and characterization of the heavy-fermion compound CePtAl4Ge2", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 738(25), 550-555 (2018.3.25).

      40. Soon-Gil Jung, Harim Jang, Soohyeon Shin, Tuson Park, Won Nam Kang, "Critical current density in the heterogeneous high-Tc superconductor Ca1-xLaxFe2As2", Journal of the Korean Physical Society 72(4), 515-521 (2018.02.28) Selected as JKPS highlight for February 2018.

      39. Soon-Gil Jung, Soonbeom Seo, Sangyun Lee, Eric D. Bauer, Han-Oh Lee, and Tuson Park, "A peak in the critical current for quantum critical superconductors", Nature Communications 9(1), 434 (2018. 01.30).

      38. Dongwon Shin, Soon-Gil Jung, G Prathiba, Soonbeom Seo, Ki-Young Choi, Kee Hoon Kim, and Tuson Park, "Thermal annealing and pressure effects on BaFe2-xCoxAs2 single crystals", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30(2), 025501 (2018. 01.17).

      37. Sung-Il KIM, Soon-Gil Jung, Soohyeon Shin, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Anisotropic upper critical field in pressure-induced CrAs superconductor", Journal of Applied Physics 122(24), 243902 (2017. 12.28).

      36. Jinhwan Lee, Taeg Yeoung Ko, Jung Hwa Kim, Hunyoung Bark, Byunggil Kang, Soon-Gil Jung, Tuson Park, Zonghoon Lee, Sunmin Ryu, and Changgu Lee, "Structural and Optical Properties of Single- and Few-Layer Magnetic Semiconductor CrPS4" ACS Nano 11(11), 10935-10944 (2017. 11.28).

      35. Anand P Tiwari, Soohyeon Shin, Eunhee Hwang, Soon-Gil Jung, Tuson Park, and Hyoyoung Lee, "Superconductivity at 7.4 K in few layer graphene by Li-intercalation", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29(44), 445701 (2017. 10.03) ‘Decorated’ graphene is a superconductor

      34. Sekhar Babu Mitta, Sreekantha Reddy Dugasani, Soon-Gil Jung, Srivithya Vellampatti, Tuson Park, and Sung Ha Park, "Electromagnetic and optical characteristics of Nb5+-doped double-crossover and salmon DNA thin films", Nanotechnology 28(40), 405703 (2017. 9.11).

      33. D Ahmad, W J Choi, Y I Seo, S -G Jung, Y C Kim, S Salem-Sugui Jr, T Park, and Y S Kwon, "Doping dependence of the vortex dynamics in single-crystal superconducting NaFe1-xCoxAs", Superconductor Science and Technology 30(10), 105006 (2017. 8.30).

      32. Soon-Gil Jung, Soohyeon Shin, Harim Jang, Pavlo Mikheenko, Tom H Johansen, and Tuson Park, "Effects of magnetic impurities on upper critical fields in the high-Tc superconductor La-doped CaFe2As2", Superconductor Science and Technology 30(8), 085009 (2017. 7.11).

      31. Duong Pham, Soon-Gil Jung, K.J. Song, M. Ranot, J.H. Lee, N.H. Lee, W.N. Kang, "Effect of vortex-vortex interactions on the critical current density of single-crystalline MgB2 thin films", Current Applied Physics 16(9), 1046-1051 (2016. 09).

      30. Ji-Hoon Kang, Soon-Gil Jung*, Sangyun Lee, Eunsung Park, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, Dmitriy A. Chareev, Alexander N. Vasiliev, and Tuson Park, "Pressure dependence of upper critical fields in FeSe single crystals", Superconductor Science and Technology 29(3), 035007 (2016. 03) Selected as SUST 2016 Highlights.

      29. Soon-Gil Jung*, Ji-Hoon Kang, Eunsung Park, Sangyun Lee, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, Dmitriy A. Chareev, Alexander N. Vasiliev, and Tuson Park, "Enhanced critical current density in the pressure-induced magnetic state of the high-temperature superconductor FeSe" Scientific Reports 5, 16385; doi: 10.1038/srep16385(2015.11.09).

      28. F. S. Portela, L. T. Corredor, Petrucio Barrozo, Soon-Gil Jung, G. Zhang, J. Vanacken, V. V. Moshchalkov, and J. Albino Aguiar, “Superconducting properties of Nb/Pb/Nb trilayer” Focus on Multicomponent Superconductivity, Superconductor Science and Technology 28(3), 034001 (2015. 03). Selected as SUST 2015 Highlights.

      27. Soon-Gil Jung, Nam Hoon Lee, W. K. Seong, Sangjun Oh, and W. N. Kang, “Crystal orientation dependence of the critical current density in a-axis- and c-axis-oriented MgB2 films”, Current Applied Physics 14(9), 1277-1281 (2014. 09).

      26. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, and W. N. Kang, “Flux pinning mechanism in single-crystalline MgB2 thin films”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82(11), 114712 (2013. 11.15).

      25. Soon-Gil Jung, J. Vanacken, V. V. Moshchalkov, S. T. Renosto, C. A. M. dos Santos, A. J. S. Machado, Z. Fisk, and J. Albino Aguiar, “Critical current density and flux pinning in Zr0.96V0.04B2 superconductor with AlB2 structure”, Journal of Applied Physics 114 (13) 113905 (2013. 10.07).

      24. S. T. Renosto, H. Consoline, C. A. M. dos Santos, J. Albino Aguiar, Soon-Gil Jung, Johan Vanacken, Victor V. Moshchalkov, Z. Fisk, and A. J. S. Machado, “Evidence of multiband behavior in the new superconducting alloy Zr0.96V0.04B2”, Physical Review B 87(17), 174502 (2013. 05.06). Editors' Suggestion.

      23. Sung-Hak Hong, Sung Hoon Lee, Soon-Gul Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, Nam Hoon Lee, and Won Nam Kang, “Fabrication of BaKFeAs Intergrain Nanobridges by Using a Focused Ion Beam”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 61 (9), 1449 (2012. 11.01).

      22. Sung-Hak Hong, Soon-Gul Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, and Won Nam Kang, “Properties of FeSe Nanobridges Prepared by Using a Focused Ion Beam”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 61 (9), 1430 (2012. 11.01).

      21. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, and W. N. Kang, “Effectof columnar grain boundaries for flux pinning in MgB2 films”, Journal of Applied Physics 111(5), 053906 (2012. 03.01).

      20. Mahipal Ranot, W. K. Seong, Soon-Gil Jung, W. N. Kang, J. Joo, C.-J. Kim, B.-H. Jun, and S. Oh, “Effect of SiC-Impurity Layer and Growth Temperature on MgB2 Superconducting Tapes Fabricated by HPCVD”, Chemical Vapor Deposition 18(13), 36 (2012.03.16).

      19. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, N. H. Lee, and W. N. Kang, “Flux pinning in columnar-structured and single crystalline MgB2 films”, Physica C 471 (21-22), 798 (2011. 11.01).

      18. Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, W. K. Seong, K. H. Cho, W. N. Kang, and S. Oh, “Observation of strong intrinsic pinning in MgB2 films”, Superconductor Science and Technology 24 (7), 075003 (2011. 07.01).

      17. Soon-Gil Jung, Eun-Mi Choi, N. H. Lee, Young-Seung Kwon, W. N. Kang, D. H. Kim, Myung-Hwa Jung, Sung-Ik Lee, and Liling Sun, “Fabrication of cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 superconducting thin films”, Physica C 470(Supplement 1), S511 (2010. 12.01).

      16. M. Ranot, Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, N. H. Lee, W. N. Kang, J. Joo, C.-J. Kim, B.-H. Jun, and S. Oh, “Fabrication of SiC-doped MgB2 coated conductors by a simple process”, Physica C 470(Supplement 1), S1000 (2010. 12.01).

      15. Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, Eun-Mi Choi, W. N. Kang, Sung-Ik Lee, Tae-Jong Hwang, and D. H. Kim, “Fabrication of FeSe1-x superconducting films with bulk properties”, Physica C 470 (22) 1977 (2010. 12.01).

      14. Nam Hoon Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, Dong Ho Kim, and Won Nam Kang, “Potassium-doped BaFe2As2 superconducting films with a transition temperature of 40 K”, Applied Physics Letters 96(20), 202505 (2010. 05.18).

      13. M. Ranot, W. K. Seong, S. ?G. Jung, N. H. Lee, W. N. Kang, J. H. Joo, Y. Zhao, and S. X. Dou, “Enhancement of the critical current density of MgB2 thick films by Ag- and Cu-impurity layers”, Physica C 469(15-20) 1563 (2009. 10.15).

      12. N. H. Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, Eun-Mi Choi, Mahipal Ranot, W. N. Kang, and Jinho Joo, “Fabrication of MgB2 Thin Films at Various Temperatures by Using Laser-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 55 (2), 600 (2009. 08.15).

      11. Eun-Mi Choi, Soon-Gil Jung, Nam Hoon Lee, Young-Seung Kwon, Won Nam Kang, Dong Ho Kim, Myung-Hwa Jung, Sung-Ik Lee, and Liling Sun, “In situfabrication of cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 thin films by using pulsed laser deposition with excimer laser”, Applied Physics Letters 95(6), 062507 (2009. 08.12.).

      10. Soon-Gil Jung, S. W. Park, W. K. Seong, M. Ranot, W. N. Kang, Y. Zhao and S. X. Dou, “A simple method for the enhancement of Jc in MgB2 thick films with an amorphous SiC impurity layer”, Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (7), 075010 (2009. 07.01).

      9. Mahipal Ranot, W. K. Seong, Soon-Gil Jung and W. N. Kang, “Influence of Ag- or Cu-Impurity Layers on the Microstructure and Flux-Pinning Properties of MgB2 Thick Films”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 54 (6), 2343 (2009. 06.01).

      8. Tae Gyoung Lee, Mahipal Ranot, Won Kyung Seong, Soon-Gil Jung, W. N. Kang, J. H. Joo, C. J. Kim, B. H. Jun, Youngha Kim, Y. Zhao and S. X. Dou, “Fabrication of superconducting MgB2 thin films on textured Cu(100) tape by hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition”, Superconductor Science and Technology 22(4), 045006 (2009. 04.01).

      7. T. G. Lee, S. W. Park, W. K. Seong, J. Y. Huh, Soon-Gil Jung, B. K. Lee, K. -S. An, and W. N. Kang, “Growth of MgB2 Thin Films on Alumina-Buffered Si Substrates by using Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition Method”, Physica C 468(15-20), 1888 (2008. 09.15).

      6. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, N. H. Lee, M. Ranot, and W. N. Kang, “Possibleorigin of double-peak behavior of the pinning force density in thick MgB2films with columnar structures”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53(2), 727 (2008. 08.14).

      5. Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, W. K. Seong, W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, and Sung-Ik Lee, “Growth of MgB2 thin films by using a novel laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition technique”, Superconductor Science and Technology 21(8), 085017 (2008. 08.01).

      4. Ji Young Huh, Won Kyung Seong, Soon-Gil Jung, and W. N. Kang, “Influence of Mg deficiency on the superconductivity in MgB2 thin films grown by using HPCVD”, Superconductor Science and Technology 20(12), 1169 (2007. 12.01).

      3. W. K. Seong, J. Y. Huh, Soon-Gil Jung, W. N. Kang, H. S. Lee, E. M. Choi, and Sung-Ik Lee, “Growth of Superconducting MgB2 Thin Films by Using Hybrid Physical-Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 51(1), 174 (2007. 07.01).

      2. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, Ji Young Huh, T. G. Lee, W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Heon-Jung Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee, “Hall conductivity and the vortex phase in MgB2 thin films”, Superconductor Science and Technology 20(3), 129 (2007. 03.01).

      1. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Heon-Jung Kim, Sung-Ik Lee, Hyeong-Jin Kim, H. C. Kim, “Scaling behavior of mixed-state Hall effect in MgB2 thin films”, Physica C 450(1-2), 114 (2006. 12.15).


      14. Han Yoon, Yunha Kim , Minju Jeong , Yoonseok Han, Jaegu Song , Tuson Park , Soon-Gil Jung , and Soonbeom Seo, "Effects of Ce addition on the crystal structure and superconductivity of high-entropy alloy Ta1/6Nb2/6Hf1/6Zr1/6Ti1/6", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 26(4), 14-19 (2024. 12.31)

      13. Soon-Gil Jung, Jeongwon Noh, Yoonseok Han, Woo Seok Choi, Won Nam Kang, and Tuson Park, "Fabrication of high-entropy alloy superconducting thin films via pulsed laser deposition technique", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 26(3), 27-31 (2024. 09.31)

      12. Soon-Gil Jung, Duong Pham, Won Nam Kang, Byung-Hyuk Jun, Chorong Kim, Sunmog Yeo, and Tuson Park, "Enhancement of lower critical field of MgB2 thin films through disordered MgB2 overlayer", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 24(4), 1-5 (2022. 12.31).

      11. Tae Jong Hwang and Soon-Gil Jung, "Transport properties of polycrystalline TaNx thin films prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering method", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 23(2), 1-5 (2021. 06.30).

      10. Soon-Gil Jung, Seung-Ku Son, Duong Pham, W. C. Lim, J. Song, W. N. Kang, and T. Park, "Effect of thermal annealing on low-energy C-ion irradiated MgB2 thin films", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 21(3), 13-17 (2019. 09.30).

      9. Duong Pham, Soon-Gil Jung, Duc H. Tran, Tuson Park, and Won Nam Kang, "Enhanced upper critical fields in low energy iron-irradiated single-crystalline MgB2 thin films", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 21(3), 18-21 (2019. 09.30).

      8. Hyeon Beom Park, Soohyeon Shin, Soon-Gil Jung, Doyeon Hwang, Hyoyoung Lee, and Tuson Park, "Synthesis of the Ni-doped ternary compound Ba(Fe1-xNix)2Se3", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 17(4), 30-33 (2015. 12.31).

      7. Nam Hoon, Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, Mahipal Ranot, and Won Nam Kang, "Fabrication details of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 films by pulsed laser deposition technique", Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics 16(3), 4-6 (2014. 09.30).

      6. Soon-Gil Jung, N. H. Lee, W. N. Kang, Tae-Jong Hwang, and D. H. Kim, "PLD법을 이용한 다양한 온도에서의 FeSex 초전도 박막 성장", Progress in Superconductivity 13(2), 117-121 (2011. 12.31).

      5. Nam Hoon Lee, Soon-Gil Jung, and W. N. Kang, "다양한 조건에서의 Ba1-xKxFe2As2박막 제조", Progress in Superconductivity 12(1), 32-35 (2010. 10.31).

      4. S. W. Park, W. K. Seong, Soon-Gil Jung, and W. N. Kang, "혼성물리화학기상 증착법으로 여러가지 불순물층 위에 제조한 MgB2 박막에 대한 연구", Progress in Superconductivity 10(1), 35-39 (2008. 10.31).

      3. T. G. Lee, S. W. Park, W. K. Seong, J. Y. Huh, S.-G. Jung, B. K. Lee, K.-S. An, and W. N. Kang, "혼성물리화학기상 증착법에 의한 알루미나 완충층을 가진 실리콘 기판위의 MgB2 박막제조에 대한 연구", Progress in Superconductivity 9(2), 177-182 (2008. 4.30).

      2. Soon-Gil Jung, W. K. Seong, Ji Young Huh, T. G. Lee, W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Hyeong-Jin Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee, "MgB2 초전도 박막의 홀 전도도의 온도 의존성", Progress in Superconductivity 8(2), 127-131 (2007. 4.30).

      1. Boyeon Kim, Soon-Gil Jung, Kyeong-Hee Moon, W. N. Kang, Eun-Mi Choi, Heon-Jung Kim, Sung-Ik Lee, and Hyeong-Jin Kim, "MgB2 박막의 혼합상태에서의 홀 효과", Progress in Superconductivity 7(2), 103-108 (2006. 4.30).
  • 조수현교수



    • 명지대학교 물리학과 (학사, 2012)
    • 연세대학교 대학원 물리학과 (박사, 2018)


    • 서울대학교 기초과연구원 강상관계연구단, 연수연구원 (2018. 09 - 2019. 03)
    • Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Post-doctoral researcher (2019.03 - 2023.03)
    • National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Associate Research Fellow (2023.06 - 2024.02)


    • 광전자분광학, 반데르발스 물질, 위상 절연체, 카고메 금속
    • Synchrotron- and laser-based photoemission spectroscopy
    • Electronic structure studies of quantum materials.
    • Spin structures of topologically non-trivial materials.
    • Circular dichroism ARPES: Berry curvature measurements
    • Inverse photoemission spectroscopy
    • Synthesis of transition metal dichalcogenide single crystals by using CVT method
    • Au/Ti-assisted mechanical exfoliation of a layered material for monolayer flakes


    • 1. Zhicheng Jiang, Haiyang Ma, Wei Xia, Zhengtai Liu, Qian Xiao, Zhengtai Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Yichen Yang, Jianyang Ding, Zhe Huang, Jiayu Liu, Yuxi Qiao, Jishan Liu, Yingying Peng, Soohyun Cho*, Yanfeng Guo, Jianpeng Liu, Dawei Shen “Observation of Electronic Nematicity Driven by the Three-Dimensional Charge Density Wave in Kagome Lattice KV3Sb5,” Nano Lett., 23, 5625 ? 5633 , (2023).
    • 2. Soohyun Cho*, Soonsang Huh, Yuqiang Fang, Chenqiang Hua, Hua Bai, Zhicheng Jiang, Zhengtai Liu, Jishan Liu, Zhenhua Chen, Yuto Fukushima, Ayumi Harasawa, Kaishu Kawaguchi, Shik Shin, Takeshi Kondo, Yunhao Lu, Gang Mu, Fuqiang Huang, Dawei Shen “Direct Observation of the Topological Surface State in the Topological Superconductor 2M-WS2,” Nano Lett., 22, 8827 ? 8834, (2022).
    • 3. Soohyun Cho, Haiyang Ma, Wei Xia, Yichen Yang, Zhengtai Liu, Zhe Huang, Zhicheng Jiang, Xiangle Lu, Jishan Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Jinfeng Jia, Yanfeng Guo, Jianpeng Liu, Dawei Shen “Emergence of new van Hove singularities in the charge density wave state of a topological kagome metal RbV3Sb5,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 236401, (2021).
    • 4. Soohyun Cho, Wonsig Jung, Jisook Hong, Beomyoung Kim, Garam Han, M.Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, Masashi Arita, Kenya Shimada, Ji Hoon Shim, Changyoung Kime, Seung Ryong Park “Observation of Dresselhaus type spin splitting of zinc-blende structure semiconductors by circular dichroic photoemission study,” Curr. Appl. Phys., 30, 96 ? 101 (2021).
    • 5. Soohyun Cho, Jin-Hong Park, Soonsang Huh, Jisook Hong, Wonshik Kyung, ByeongGyu Park, J. D. Denlinger, Ji Hoon Shim, Changyoung Kim, Seung Ryong Park “Studying local Berry curvature in 2H-WSe2 by circular dichroism photoemission utilizing crystal mirror plane,” Sci. Rep., 11, 1684 (2021).
    • 6. Soohyun Cho, Jin-Hong Park, Jisook Hong, Jongkeun Jung, Beom Seo Kim, Garam Han, Wonshik Kyung, Yeongkwan Kim, S.-K. Mo, J. D. Denlinger, Ji Hoon Shim, Jung Hoon Han, Changyoung Kim, Seung Ryong Park “Experimental observation of hidden Berry curvature in inversion-symmetric bulk 2H-WSe2,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 186401 (2018).
    • 7. Soohyun Cho, Beom Seo Kim, Beomyoung Kim, Wonshik Kyung, Jeongjin Seo, Min Park, JunWoo Jeon, Kiyohisa Tanaka, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Changyoung Kim, Dorj Odkhuu, Byung Hoon Kim, Seung Ryong Park “Electronic-dimensionality Reduction of Bulk MoS2 by Hydrogen Treatment,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 23007 (2018).
    • 8. Soo Hyun Cho, Ji-Woo Lee “Quantum Phase Transitions in an Ionic Hubbard Model in One Dimension,” J. Korean Phys. Soc., 59, 2765 ? 2769 (2011).
    • 9. Zhicheng Jiang, Zhengtai Liu, Haiyang Ma, Wei Xia, Zhonghao Liu, Jishan Liu, Soohyun Cho, Yichen Yang, Jianyang Ding, Jiayu Liu, Zhe Huang, Yuxi Qiao, Jiajia Shen, Wenchuan Jing, Xiangqi Liu, Jianpeng Liu, Yanfeng Guo, Dawei Shen “Flat bands, non-trivial band topology and rotation symmetry breaking in layered kagome-lattice RbTi3Bi5,” Nat. Commun., 14, 4892 (2023).
    • 10. Younsik Kim, Min-Seok Kim, Dongwook Kim, Minjae Kim, Minsoo Kim, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Joonyoung Choi, Saegyeol Jung, Donghui Lu, Jong Hyuk Kim, Soohyun Cho, Dongjoon Song, Dongjin Oh, Li Yu, Young Jai Choi, Hyeong-Do Kim, Jung Hoon Han, Younjung Jo, Ji Hoon Shim, Jungpil Seo, Soonsang Huh, Changyoung Kim “Kondo interaction in FeTe and its potential role in the magnetic order,” Nat. Commun., 14, 4145 (2023).
    • 11. W. L. Liu, X. Zhang, S. M. Nie, Z. T. Liu, X. Y. Sun, H. Y. Wang, J. Y. Ding, Q. Jiang, L. Sun, F. H. Xue, Z. Huang, H. Su, Y. C. Yang, Z. C. Jiang, X. L. Lu, J. Yuan, Soohyun Cho, J. S. Liu, Z. H. Liu, M. Ye, S. L. Zhang, H. M. Weng, Z. Liu, Y. F. Guo, Z. J. Wang, D.W. Shen “Spontaneous Ferromagnetism Induced Topological Transition in EuB6,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 166402 (2022).
    • 12. Xiangle Lu, Jishan Liu, Nian Zhang, Binping Xie, Shuai Yang, Wanling Liu, Zhicheng Jiang, Zhe Huang, Yichen Yang, Jin Miao, Wei Li, Soohyun Cho, Zhengtai Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Dawei Shen “Dimensionality-Controlled Evolution of Charge-Transfer Energy in Digital Nickelates Superlattices,” Adv. Sci., 9, e2105864 (2022).
    • 13. Jongkeun Jung, Sungwoo Kang, Laurent Nicola?, Jisook Hong, J?n Min?r, Inkyung Song, Wonshik Kyung, Soohyun Cho, Beomseo Kim, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Francisco Jos? Cadete Santos Aires, Eric Ehret, Philip Ross, Jihoon Shim, Slavomir Nems?k, Doyoung Noh, Seungwu Han, Changyoung Kim, Bongjin Simon Mun “Understanding the Role of Electronic Effects in CO on the Pt?Sn Alloy Surface via Band Structure Measurements,” ACS Catal., 12, 219 -? 225 (2022)
    • 14. S.S. Huh, J.J. Seo, B.S. Kim, S.H. Cho, J.K. Jung, S. Kim, C.I. Kwon, Jun Sung Kim, Y.Y. Koh, W.S. Kyung, J.D. Denlinger, Y.H. Kim, B.N. Chae, N.D. Kim, Y.K. Kim, C. Kim “Absence of Y-pocket in 1-Fe Brillouin zone and reversed orbital occupation imbalance in FeSe,” Commun. Phys., 3, 52 (2020).
    • 15. Hanyoung Ryu, Inkyung Song, Beomyoung Kim, Soohyun Cho, Shoresh Soltani, Timur Kim, Moritz Hoesch, Choong H. Kim, Changyoung Kim “Photon energy dependent circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission from Au(111) surface states,” Phys. Rev. B, 95, 115144 (2017).
    • 16. Shoresh Soltani, Soohyun Cho, Hanyoung Ryu, Garam Han, Beomyoung Kim, Dongjoon Song, Timur K. Kim, Moritz Hoesch, Changyoung Kim “dxz/yz orbital subband structures and chiral orbital angular momentum in the (001) surface states of SrTiO3,” Phys. Rev. B, 95, 125103 (2017).
    • 17. Dongjoon Song, Garam Han, Wonshik Kyung, Jeongjin Seo, Soohyun Cho, Beom Seo Kim, Masashi Arita, Kenya Shimada, Hirofumi Namatame, Masaki Taniguchi, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, Seung Ryong Park, C. Kim “Electron Number-Based Phase Diagram of Pr1-xLaCexCuO4-δ and Possible Absence of Disparity between Electron- and Hole-Doped Cuprate Phase Diagrams,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 137001 (2017).