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Eco mover, Glocal SCNU

GKS program

GKS program

Global Korea Scholarship(GKS) program

Global Korea Scholarship(GKS) supports future global leaders and promotes international cooperation in education by inviting talented international students to Korea for an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea





Korean Language Course(1 year) + Bachelor’s degree course(4 years)

Master’s Degree

Korean Language Course(1 year) + Master’s degree course(2 years)

Doctoral Degree

Korean Language Course(1 year) + Doctoral degree course(2 years)


Prospective applicants must meet the following qualification criteria;
① Must be a citizen of the country to which the scholarship is offered
② Must hold or must be expected to hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s degree as of August 31st of the invitation year
③ Must possess above 80%(out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (CGPA), or must be within the top 20% (out of 100%) in rank in the final educational background.

Selection Procedures

한국어학당 정규과정

1st Round

Applicants submit applications to the relevant Korean Embassies or to the partnering universities in Korea. Each embassy and university selects candidates among the applicants based on NIIED’s selection criteria.


The NIIED Selection Committee selects successful candidates among those who passed the 1st round.


Among the successful candidates who have passed the 2nd round, the applicants of who applied through the Korean Embassies will be reviewed by universities for admission. Successful candidates must get admission from at least one of the universities.

Scholarship Benefits

-Round-trip economy class ticket, Monthly allowance of KRW1,000,000, Medical Insurance, Settlement allowance

Contact: 411024@scnu.ac.kr