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Eco mover, Glocal SCNU



Korean Language Institute at Sunchon National University was established in 2008 with the aim of improving the Korean language skills of foreigners and overseas Koreans and promoting understanding of Korean culture. By applying the best teaching methods that suit the needs of each learner, such as entering to Korean undergraduate and graduate universities, and employment. We are doing our best for students to understand Korean society and culture through various cultural experiences.

1. Korean Language Regular Course

Korean Language Regular Course

2 semesters
(20 weeks per semester)


Mon ~ Fri
(4 hours per day)


Approximately 15 students
Beginner(TOPIK level 1~2), Intermediate(TOPIK level 3~4),
Advanced(TOPIK level 5~6)


Korean Language and
Cultural activities


Passing graduation test above 60 scores and at least 80% attendance

2. Education Courses

Level 1: Student with no prior knowledge of Koran learn how to manage basic everyday situations in Korea
Students learn how to read Korean caracters (hangul) accurately
Students learn basic structure of Korean language to understand and use short sentences
Students will learn basic Korean culture needed in everyday life such as Koran food and titles

Level2: Student with 200 hours of Korean language instruction, or those with a corresponding level of Korean proficiency acquire the conversation skills necessary for everyday
Students practice phonetic rules of hangul to read and say sentences more naturally
Students will learn honorifics such as plain speech and polite speech so that they can use the correct forms according to the discourse situation
Students can ask and answer about familiar topics such as family, hobbies, trips and experience

Level3: Students with 400 hours of Korean language instruction, or those with a corresponding level of Korean proficiency acquire the conversation skills necessary for everyday life
Students learn enough vocabulary of everyday life
Students can understand detailed contexts in forecast, notice, and advertisement Students learn various ex-pressions such as description, explaination

Level4: Students with 600 hours of Korean language instruction, or those with a corresponding level of Korean proficiency acquire the conversation skills necessary for understanding Korean culture
Students understand idiomatic ex-pressions, and korean culture
Students improve their skills in expressing their ideas arn ex-pressions in specific situations such as problem solving, express opinion

Level5: Students with 800 hours of Korean language instruction, or those with a corresponding level of Korean proficiency acquire the conversation skills necessary for understanding Politics, Economy, Society and Culture
Students learn professional and abstract sentence
Students participate in discussions on social topics of interest such as politics, society, economy and culture

Level6: Students with 1,000 hours of Korean language instruction, or those with a corresponding level of Korean proficiency acquire the conversation skills necessary for everyday life and get knowledge of Korean history and culture
Students learn and use professional words, idioms and proverbs
Students read and express their opinion from essay, news, write formal reports and writings

3. Tuition and Scholarship

Tuition and Scholarship

한국어 연수 비용


llAE Honor Scholarship

Top students in each class
- 1st place : 500,000 KRW, 2nd place : 300,000 KRW, 3rd place : 200,000 KRW