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  • 안삼영 교수 (Ahn, Sam-Young)

    안삼영교수 (Ahn, Sam-Young)

    061-750-3381 (fax : 750-3308)


    • 서울 대학교 화학교육과(학사, 1984)
    • 서울 대학교 화학과(석사, 1986)
    • 독일 베를린 자유대학 화학과(박사, 1993)


    • 순천대학교 환경교육과 (전임강사)
    • 한국과학기술연구원 (박사후 연구원)
    • 미국뉴욕주립대학 (박사후 연구원)
  • 김대희 교수 (Kim, Dae-Hee)

    김대희교수 (Kim, Dae-Hee)

    061-750-3382 (fax : 750-3308)


    • 서울 대학교(학사, 1987)
    • 서울 대학교 대학원(석사, 1989)
    • 서울 대학교 대학원(박사, 1997)


    • 미국 조지아대학교 방문교수
    • 국회 환경포럼 환경교육활성화위원회 위원
    • 순천 생활협동조합 이사장
    • 그린 순천 21 상임위원
    • 교육인적자원부 교육과정심의회 위원
    • 순천대학교 교무부처장
    • 지역맞춤형 자유학기제 에코에듀테인먼트 사업단장
    • 한국농업교육학회, 한국환경교육학회 이사
    • 한국환경교육학회 편집위원장(현)
    • 전라남도 정책자문위원(환경분과)(현)


    • 환경교육방법
    • 지속적 발전 및 환경철학
    • 농촌사회교육
    • 전남 환경교육 발전 계획 및 활성화 방안 연구


    • 환경교육에서의 자연관과 발전관 탐색 (한국농업교육학회지 제 28권 제 3호 69-82, 1996.9)
    • 환경문제 해결을 위한 환경친화적 발전의 원리와 방향성 (한국농촌지도학회 제 4권 제1호 211-230, 1997.6)


    • 환경과학(2001)
    • 환경, 인류 그리고 지속가능한 사회(2005)
    • 각 연령층을 대상으로 하는 환경교육용 소프트웨어 초급, 중급, 고급(2005)


    • 2007년 환경부장관상
    • 2018년 교육부장관상
    • 2019년 (지역맞춤 진로교육) 체험처 우수상 (한국직업능력개발원장)
  • 허재선 교수 (Hur, Jae-Seoun)

    허재선교수 (Hur, Jae-Seoun)

    061-750-3383 (fax : 750-3308)


    • 서울대학교 농생물학과(학사, 1983~87)
    • 서울대학교 농생물학과(석사, 1987~89)
    • 영국국립 LANCASTER UNIVERSITY 생물과학과(박사, 1989~93)


    • 포항산업과학연구원(선임연구원, 93~97)
    • 순천대학교 환경교육과(전임강사, 98 ~ 현재)


    • 식물체에 대한 대기오염원의 영향 : 식물생리, 생화학적 피해 구명
    • 대기오염원에 민감한 지표생물개발 : 고등식물, 미생물, 지의류
    • 농업생산성에 미치는 대기오염원의 영향 조사 : 영향평가
    • 순천지역의 오염도 조사 : 순천만 유입 수계의 오염도 조사, 순천지역의 강우 분석

    주요 연구실적

    • 국제학술논문(SCI 5편), 국내학술논문(15편), 국제학술회의(11편), 국내학술회의(20편)
  • 김현우 교수 (Kim, Hyun-Woo)

    김현우교수 (Kim, Hyun-Woo)

    061-750-3384 (fax : 750-3308)


    • 부산대학교 이학사 (1994)
    • 부산대학교 이학석사 (1996)
    • 부산대학교 이학박사(1999)


    • 2007. 4~현재 순천대학교 부교수
    • 2003. 4~2007.3 순천대학교 조교수
    • 2001.3~2003.3 순천대학교 전임강사
    • 2000.10~2001.2 부산대학교 환경기술산업연구센타 전임 연구원
    • 1999.10~2000.9 IGB 연구소(베를린) Post. Doc.
    • 2005. 3~ 현재 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 학술위원, 편집위원
    • 2009. 10~ 현재 한국하천호수학회 대외협력위원장
    • 2004.10~현재 한국생태학회 이사, 편집위원
    • 2008. 7~현재 한국환경생물학회 편집위원
    • 2003. 4~현재 한국해양환경교육자협회 이사
    • 2006. 9~현재 그린 순천21 물 습지생태위원회 학술위원
    • 2008. 1~현재 영산강 섬진강 수계유역관리연구센터 연구위원 수 생태분야 연구위원
    • 2009. 9~현재 목포시 설계 자문위원(목포시) 설계자문위원회 위원
    • 2009. 7~현재 샘물개발에 따른 환경영향심사위원회 위원(영산강유역환경청) 환경영향심사위원회 위원
    • 2009. 2~현재 여수지방해양항만청장 자문위원(여수지방해양환경청장) 해역이용협의 및 해역이용영향평가 검토협의 자문
    • 2009. 1~현재 경관위원회 위원(순천시) 순천시 경관위원회 위원


    • 수생태학, 하천생태학 미생물먹이환, 동물플랑크톤 동태, 자연생태관리, 식물플랑크톤 동태, 수질일반 부유생물, 응용생물학, 습지생태학

    주요 연구실적

    • K-S Jeong, D-K Kim, H-S Shin, J-D Yoon, H-W Kim, and G-J Joo. 2010. Impact of summer rainfall on h4e seasonal water quality variation (chlorophyll a) in h4e regulated Nakdong River. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (under review)
    • 정광석, 김동균, 윤주덕, 라긍환, 김현우, 주기재. 2010. 비선형 시계열 하천생태모형 개발과정 중 시간지연단계와 입력변수, 모형 예측성 간 관계평가. Korean J. Limnol. 43: 161-167.
    • 김현우, 최종윤, 라긍환, 정광석, 주기재. 2010. 강 배후 습지생태계(우포)에서 강우량과 동물플랑크톤 군집 동태. Korean J. Limnol. 43: 129-135.
    • G-H La, H-G Jeong, M-C Kim, G-J Joo, K-H Chang, and H-W Kim. 2009. Response of diapausing eggs hatching to changes in temperature and h4e presence of fish kairomones. Hydrobiologia 635:399-402.
    • 이상재, 김현우, 이재훈, 정종임, 라긍환, 염민애, 신웅기, 장민호, 안광국. 2009. Initial Preliminary Studies in National Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Stations of Daechung Reservoir. Korean J. Limnol. 42: 476-486.
    • 라긍환, 최지민, 김현우. 2009. 거북등윤충(Keratella) 피갑 형태의 연도 및 계절별 변화. Korean J. Limnol. 42: 253-259.
    • 라긍환, 조효녀, 최현주, 김현우. 2009. 실잠자리 유충과 어류에서 분비된 카이로몬에 의한 물벼룩류의 생활사와 형태변화. Korean J. Limnol. 42: 107-114.
    • 라긍환, 이학영, 김현우. 2008. 인공호수(옥정호) 내 동물플랑크톤 동태 및 군집 여과율의 수직적 변화. 환경생물. 26: 392-401.
    • 김성현, 김현우, 이학영, 강형일. 2008. Seasonal Dynamics of Pah4ogenic Microorganisms (Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Fecal Bacteria) in an Artificial Lake Ecosystem(Sangsa Lake, Korea). Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 31: 161-165.
    • Kim, H. W., G.-J. Joo and N. Walz. 2008. Grazing on bacteria and algae by metazoans un h4e lake-river ecosystem (River Spree, Germany). Korean J. Limnol. 41: 111-115.
    • Kim, M. C, G-H La, H.W. Kim, K-S Jeong, D-K Kim and G. J. Joo. 2008. The effect of water temperature on proliferation of Stephanodiscus sp. in vitro from h4e Nakdong River, Souh4 Korea. Korean J. Limnol. 41: 26-33.
    • La, G. H., H-G Jeong, M-C Kim, H. W. Kim and G. J. Joo. 2007. The field observations on h4e littoral swarming of cladocera (Scapholeberis kingi Sars 1903) and h4e correlation wih4 environmental factors. Korean J. Limnol. 40: 581-585.
    • La, G. H., H-G Jeong, H-P Kim, M-K Shin, H. W. Kim and G. J. Joo. 2007. The effect of h4e food concentration and predator density to h4e distributional pattern of Daphnia. Korean J. Limnol. 40: 352-356.
    • Kim, H. W. and H. Y. Lee. 2007. The differences of zooplankton dynamics in river ecosystem wih4 and wih4out estuary dam in river mouh4. Korean J. Limnol. 40: 273-284.
    • Kim, H. W. 2006. The grazing rates and community dynamics of zooplankton in h4e continious river stretch ecosystem include wih4 brackish zone. Korean J. Limnol. 39: 462-470.
    • Kim, D. K., G. J. Joo, K.-S. Jeong, K.-H. Chang and H. W. Kim. 2006. Patterning zooplankton dynamics in h4e regulated Nakdong River by means of h4e self-organizing map. Korean J. Limnol. 39: 52-61.
    • Kim, H. W., K.-H. Chang and G. J. Joo. 2005. Characteristics and inter-annual varibility of zooplankton dynamics in h4e middle part of h4e river (Nakdong River). Korean J. Limnol. 38: 412-419.
    • H-Y Kahng, B-J Yoon, S-H Kim, D-J Shin, H. W. Kim, J-S Hur, E-S Kang, K-H Oh, and Y. J. Koh. 2004. An ecological analysis of lichens distributed in rocks of coast and field in U-do by molecular technique. Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32: 334-340. H-Y
    • Kahng, B-J Yoon, S-H Kim, D-J Shin, J-S Hur, H. W. Kim, E-S Kang, K-H Oh, and Y. J. Koh. 2004. Introduction of saxicolous lichens distributed in coastal rocks of U-do islet in Jeju, Korea. Journal of Microbiology. 42: 292-298.
    • J-S Hur, H. Harada, S-O Oh, K-M Lim, E-S Kang, S-M Lee, H-Y Kahng, H. W Kim, J-S Jung and Y-J Koh. 2004. Distribution of lichen flora on Souh4 Korea. Journal of Microbiology. 42: 163-167.
    • Kim, D. K., H. W. Kim, G. Y. Kim, Y. S. Kim, M.-C. Kim, .K.-S. Jeong and G. J. Joo. 2005. Prolonged turbidity of h4e lower Nakdong River in 2003. Korean J. Limnol. 38(special issue): 44-53.
    • Kim, H. W., K.-H. Chnag, W-K. Shin, G.-W. La, K.-S. Jeong and G. J. Joo. 2004. Population dynamcis of predator (Asplanchna spp.) and its impact on herbivorous rotifers community in h4ree tributaries of h4e Nakdong River (S. Korea). Korean J. Limnol. 37: 385-393.
    • Chang, K. H., H. W. Kim, .G.-H. La, K.-S. Jeong and G. J. Joo. 2004. Prey preference of juvenile fish based on h4e laboratory experimnets and its impact on zooplankton community of h4e Nakdong River. Korean J. Limnol. 37: 130-136.
    • Jang, M. H., G-I Cho, H-B Song, H-K Byeon, H. W. Kim, and G. J. Joo. 2003. Fish distribution and water quality of mountain streams in h4e Jirisan National Park, Korea. The Korean Journal of Ecology. 26: 297-305
    • Kim, H. W., K.-H. Chang, K.-S. Jeong and G. J. Joo. 2003. The spring metazooplankton dynamics in h4e river-reservoir hybrid system (Nakdong River, Korea): Its role in controlling h4e phytoplankton biomass. Korean J. Limnol. 36: 420-426.
    • Kim, H-W, S-J Hwang, K-H Kim, M-H. Jang, G-J. Joo, and N. Walz. 2002. Longitudinal difference in zooplankton grazing on phyto- and bacterioplankton in h4e Nakdong River (Korea). Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 87: 281-293.
    • 주기재, 정광석, 김현우, 장광현. 2002. 조절강(낙동강)내에서의 동물플랑크톤의 수직적 분포에 대해서. 한국육수학회지. 35: 320-325.
    • K-S Jeong, G-J Joo, H-W Kim, K. Ha, F. Recknagel. 2001. Prediction and elucidation of phytoplankton dynamics in h4e Nakdong River (Korea) by means of a recurrent artificial neural network. Ecological Modelling. 146: 115-129
    • . Kim, H-W, G. J. Joo and N. Walz. 2001. Zooplankton dynamics in h4e hyper-eutrophic Nakdong River system (Korea) regulated by wih4 estuary dam and side channels. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 86: 127-143.
    • 장광현, 황순진, 장민호, 김현우, 정광석, 주기재. 2001. 저수지화 성향을 띤 낙동강에서 치어 섭식이 동물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향. 한국육수학회지. 34: 310-318.
  • 강형일 교수 (Kahng, Hyung-Yeel)

    강형일교수 (Kahng, Hyung-Yeel)

    061-750-3385 (fax : 750-3308)


    • 제주대학교 생물학과 (이학사, 1985)
    • 고려대학교 생물학과 ( 이학석사, 1987)
    • 고려대학교 생물학과 (이학박사, 1994)
    • 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) (박사후 연수연구원, 한국과학재단 Grant, 1994 - 1997)
    • 미국 뉴저지주립대-Rutgers University (Postdoctoral Associate, 미국 NIEHS Grant, 1997 - 2000)


    • 고려대학교 생물학과 교육조교 (1986-1987; 1992 - 1994)
    • 고려대학교 기초과학연구소 연구원 (1991 - 1994)
    • 고려대학교 생물학과 강사 (1993-1995)
    • 목원대학교 미생물학과 강사 (1996-1996)
    • 순천향대학교 유전공학과 강사 (1996-1997)
    • 제주대학교 생물학과/환경공학과 강사 (1997)
    • 미국 뉴저지주립대 (Rutgers University) Biotech Center 박사후 연구원 (1997-2000)
    • 한국학술진흥재단 선정 제주대학교 MOE-KRF 학술연구교수 (2001 -2002)
    • 미국 뉴저지주립대 (Rutgers University) 초빙교수 (2001, 미국 NIH Grant)
    • 순천대학교 환경교육과 전임강사 (2002 - 2004)
    • 과학기술부 (한국과학문화재단) 한국과학기술앰배서더 (2004 - 2010)
    • 순천대학교 환경교육과 조교수 (2004 - 2008)
    • 한국환경교육학회 편집위원 (2006 - 2008)
    • 한국기초과학지원연구원 K-Mep사업 자문위원 (2007 - 2008)
    • 순천대학교 환견교육과 부교수 (2008 - 2013)
    • 미국 UC Davis대 미생물학과 객원교수 (2009 - 2010)
    • 전라남도 교육청 고등학교인정도서개발위원 (2010)
    • 한국미생물학회 임원 인쇄전자출판위원회 편집위원 및 공익위원회 위원 (2010)
    • ISRN Bacteriology Editor (2013 - 2015)
    • 전라남도 교육청 인정도서 심의 위원 (2013)
    • 한국미생물학회 학술상 추천위원 (2013 - 2018)
    • 한국환경교육학회 이사 (2016 - 2018)
    • 교육부 지역맞춤형진로체험 교육 에코에듀테인먼트사업단장 (2016 - 2017)
    • 미국 조지아대 (University of Georgia) 객원교수 (2017 - 2018)
    • 순천대학교 환경교육과 교수 (2013 - 현재)
    • 순천대학교 기획처장 (2019 -) 


    • 미생물에 의한 환경오염물질 Aniline, BTEX, PAH 등의 분해 및 기작 연구
    • Dioxygenase 및 monooxygenase 유전자 탐침자를 이용한 방향족 화합물 오염지역의 분해능 및 미생물군의 생태학적 연구
    • 오염물질 분해 유전자의 프로모터를 이용한 환경오염물질 monitoring 미생물 biosensor의 개발 백화지역 세균군의 분자생물학적 연구미생물을 이용한 생물학적 환경복원(Bioremediation) 연구 기타 제초제, 살충제 등 농약분해 미생물 연구미생물이 생산하는 catalase의 특성 연구


    • Y.-H. Chung, S.J. Kim, J.-J Seo, Y.-J. Moon, S.-J. Park, S._I Kim and H.-Y. Kahng. 2020. Combinatorial analysis of degradation mechanism in Arthrobacter sp. MWB-30 on crude-oil and diesel. Proteomics. (under review) (IF 3.0)
    • H-Y. Kahng, J.C. Malinverni, M.M. Majko, and J.J. Kukor. 2001. Genetic and functional analysis of the tbc operons for catabolism of alkyl- and chloroaromatic compounds in Burkholderia sp strain JS150. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(10), 4805-4816. (IF 3.96)
    • H-Y. Kahng, A.M. Byrne, R.H. Olsen, and J.J. Kukor. 2000. Characterization and role of tbuX in utilization of toluene by Ralstonia pickettii PKO1. Journal of Bacteriology 182(5), 1232-1242. (IF 3.13)
    • H.S. Moon, H.-Y. Kahng, J.Y. Kim, J.J. Kukor, and K. Nam. 2006. Determination of biodegradation potential by two culture-independent methods in PAH-contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 140, 536-545. (IF 6.79)
    • S.H. Yun, C.-W. Choi, S.-Y. Lee, Y.G. Lee, J. Kwon, S.H. Leem, Y.H. Chung, H-Y. Kahng, S.J. Kim, K.K. Kwon, and S. Kim. 2014. Proteomic characterization of plasmid pLA1 for biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the marine bacterium, Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1. PLOS ONE 9(3), e90812. (IF 2.87)
    • S.-Y. Lee, S. H. Kim, D.G. Lee, S. Shin, S.H. Yun, C.-W. Choi, Y.H. Chung, J.S. Choi, H.-Y. Kahng, and S. Kim. 2014. Draft genome sequence of petroleum oil-degrading marine bacterium Pseudomonas taeanensis strain MS-3, isolated from a crude oil-contaminated seashore. Genome Announcement 2(1), e00818-13. (IF 0.89)
    • D.-H. Lee, S.-R. Moon, Y.-H. Park, J.H. Kim, H. Kim, R.E. Parales, and H–Y. Kahng. 2010. Pseudomonas taeanensis sp. nov., isolated from a crude oil contaminated seashore site. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2719-2713. (IF 3.0)
    • H.-Y. Kahng, K. Nam, J. J. Kukor, B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, D.-C. Oh, S.-K. Kam, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. PAH utilization by Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 isolated from a former manufactured-gas plant site. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 60, 475-480. (IF 3.82)
    • H.J. Kim, Y. Jung, W. Jung, S. Kim, H. Lee, H-Y. Kahng, J. Kim, and H. Kim. 2015. Characterization of novel family IV esterase and family I.3 Lipase from an oil-polluted mud flat metagenome. Molecular Biotechnology 57(9), 78-792. (IF 1.77)
    • S-I. Kim, JS. Choi, and H-Y Kahng. 2007. A proteomics strategy for the analysis of bacterial biodegradation pathways. Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology 11, 280-294. (IF 2.72)
    • H-Y. Kahng, K. Cho, S.-Y. Song, S.-J. Kim, S.-H. Leem, and S.-I. Kim. 2002. Enhanced detection and characterization of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase in Acinetobacter lwoffii K24 by proteomics using a column separation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 295(4), 903-909. (IF 2.985)
    • S-I Kim, JJ Kukor, K-H Oh, and H-Y Kahng. 2006. Evaluating the genetic diversity of dioxygenases for initial catabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40, 71-78. (IF 3.45)
    • H.-Y. Kahng, K. Nam, J. J. Kukor, B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, D.-C. Oh, S.-K. Kam, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. PAH utilization by Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 isolated from a former manufactured-gas plant site. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 60, 475-480. (IF 3.82)
    • D-H. Lee, K-H. Oh, S-I Kim, and H-Y. Kahng. 2016. Identification and molecular characterization of superoxide dismutase genes in Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 capable of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation. Journal of Life Science 26(1), 101-109.


    • 오계헌, 강형일 외 13명. 2020. Brock의 미생물학 제15판 (역서). (주)바이오사이언스출판 (ISBN번호: 9788968240980)
    • 강형일 외 (한국미생물학회). 2020. 미생물학 기초에서 응용까지. 미생물학 기초에서 응용까지 (저서). 범문에듀케이션 (ISBN번호: 979-11-5943-166-1)
    • 강형일 외 (한국미생물학회). 2017. 미생물학. 범문에듀케이션 (저서) (ISBN번호: 9791159430589)
    • 오계헌, 강형일 외 13명. 2016. Brock의 미생물학 제14판 (역서). (주)바이오사이언스출판 (ISBN번호: 10-1281792)
    • 오계헌, 강형일 외 15명. 2012. Brock의 미생물학 제13판 (역서). (주)바이오사이언스출판 (ISBN번호: 9788945049117)
    • 오계헌, 송홍규, 소재성, 이병욱, 강형일. 2010. (최신) 미생물실험 (저서). 신광문화사 (ISBN번호: 9788974323592)
    • 박우준, 전체옥, 조장천, 성정석, 강형일. 2010. 미생물 (역서). (주)월드사이언스 (ISBN번호: 9788958811541)
    • 오계헌, 강형일 외 16명. 2009. Brock의 미생물학 제12판 (역서). (주)도서출판 바이오사이언스 (ISBN번호: 978-89-92709-15-6)
    • 강형일, 오계헌. 2007. 환경미생물학의 이해 (역서). 월드사이언스 (ISBN번호: 9788958811015)
    • 강형일 외 12명. 2007. 2006과학영재교육 교재 중등생물(기초과정) (편서). 한우리 (ISBN번호: 8995902196)
    • 김대희, 강대구, 안삼영, 김현우, 허희옥, 강형일. 2007. 애니메이션을 활용한 수준별 환경교육 프로그램 (초급, 중급, 고급) (저서). (주)환경과 더불어 (ISBN번호: 8995868126)
    • 오계헌, 강형일 외 17명. 2006. Brock의 미생물학 제11판 (역서). (주)월드사이언스 (ISBN번호: 8958810467)
    • 이웅빈, 강형일 외 15명. 생명과학개론 (역서). (주)MacGraw Hill KOREA (ISBN 번호: 89-88825-66-7)
    • 강형일, 김대희, 김현우, 안삼영, 허재선. 2005. 환경, 인류 그리고 지속가능한 사회 (저서). (주)월드사이언스 (ISBN 번호: 8958810076)


    • 강형일, 이상석, 강경호, 신세연. 2015. 유기물 및 엔도설판 분해능이 우수한 미생물 제재 및 그 제조 방법. (특허 등록번호: 10-1509326)
    • 강형일, 강경호, 이상석. 2014. 갯지렁이로부터 동정된 내염성 및 에스테라제 활성을 갖는 바실러스 신규균주 및 이를 이용한 유기물 정화제. (특허 등록번호: 10-1447423)
    • 강경호 허준욱 강형일 임상민 김재민 김영훈. 2014. 진공 흡입식 갯벌 퇴적물 채집기. (특허 등록번호: 10-1383387)
    • 강경호, 한현섭, 강형일, 안삼영, 임상민. 2013. 정착성 저서동물의 사육조와 이를 이용한 순환사육장치 및 사육방법 (특허 등록번호: 10-1281792)
    • 이동헌,문성란,박영현,김정호,김훈,강형일. 2012. 유류분해 활성을 나타내는 신규 미생물. (특허 등록번호: 10-1176948-0000)

    주요 연구실적

    • Y.-H Chung, S.-J Kim, J.-J Seo, Y.-J Moon, S.-J Park, S.-I Kim, Y.-S Kwon, and H-Y Kahng. 2020. Combinatorial analysis of degradation mechanism in Arthrobacter sp. MWB-30 on crude-oil and dieselProteomics (under review).
    • 강형일, 김대희, 안삼영, 신효연, 신세연. 2019. 전남 지역 맞춤형 에코에듀테인먼트 진로체험 프로그램의 개발 및 적용. 환경교육. 32: 514-534.
    • J Suh, S Shin, H-Y Kahng, S Ahn, YS Lee,JS Jung. 2018. Survey of coastal inland pollution sources and their influence on seawater quality in Doam bay, Korea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 190: 129-135.
    • CS Lim, YS Lee, H-Y Kahng, S. Ahn, JS Jung. 2018. 패류에서 분리한 고농도 streptomycin에 대해 저항성인 대장균의 저항성 유전자. 미생물학회지. 54: 228-236.
    • 서진수, 안삼영, 강형일, 김태훈, 정재성, 원남일, 김영성, 신세연. 2017. 순천만 패류 양식장 3개소의 지화학적 특성과 저서생물상 분포 –가리맛조개 양식장과 새꼬막 양식장. 한국환경과학회지. 26: 691-710.
    • S Shin, H-Y Kahng. 2017. Cyclobacterium sediminis sp. nov. isolated from a sea cucumber aquaculture farm and emended description of the genus Cyclobacterium. J. Microbiol. 55: 81-89.
    • D-H Lee, K-H Oh, S-I Kim, H-Y Kahng. 2016. Identification and molecular characterization of superoxide dismutase genes in Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 capable of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation. Journal of Life Science. 26: 75-82.
    • S. Shin and H.-Y. Kahng. 2017. Cyclobacterium sediminis sp. nov. isolated from a sea cucumber aquaculture farm and emended description of the genus Cyclobacterium. Journal of Microbiology 55(2), 90-95.
    • D.-H. Lee, K.-H. Oh, S.-I. Kim, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2016. Identification and molecular characterization of superoxide dismutase genes in Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 capable of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation. Journal of Life Science 26(1), 75-82.
    • H.J. Kim, Y. Jung, W. Jung, S. Kim, H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, J. Kim, and H. Kim. 2015. Characterization of novel family IV esterase and family I.3 Lipase from an oil-polluted mud flat metagenome. Molecular Biotechnology 57(9), 78-792.
    • J.H. Kim, S.J. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, S. Kim, S.-I. Kim, and Y.-H. Jung. 2015. Draft genome sequence of Arthrobacter sp. MWB-30, isolated from crude oil-contaminated seashore. Genome Announcement 3(1), e00013-15.
    • J.H. Kim, S.J. Kim, S.H. Kim, S.-I. Kim, Y.-J. Moon, S.-J. Park, H.-Y. Kahng, and Y.-H. Jung. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Sphingopyxis sp. MWB1, petroleum degrading marine bacterium, isolated from oil-contaminated seashore. Genome Announcement 2(6), e01256-14.
    • S.-Y. Lee, S. S.H. Yun, C.-W. Choi, D.G. Lee, J.-S. Choi, H.-Y. Kahng, and S.-I. Kim. 2014. Draft Genome Sequence of an Aniline-Degrading Bacterium, Burkholderia sp. K24. Genome Announcement 2(6), e01250-14.
    • S.H. Yun, C.-W. Choi, S.-Y. Lee, Y.G. Lee, J. Kwon, S.H. Leem, Y.H. Chung, H.-Y. Kahng, S.J. Kim, K.K. Kwon, and S.-I. Kim. 2014. Proteomic characterization of plasmid pLA1 for biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the marine bacterium, Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1. Plos One 9(3), e90812.
    • S.-Y. Lee, S. H. Kim, D.G. Lee, S. Shin, S.H. Yun, C.-W. Choi, Y.H. Chung, J.S. Choi, H.-Y. Kahng, and S. Kim. 2014. Draft genome sequence of petroleum oil-degrading marine bacterium Pseudomonas taeanensis strain MS-3, isolated from a crude oil-contaminated seashore. Genome Announcement 2(1), e00818-13.
    • J.-S. Jang, S. Ahn, J.-H Jang, M.-S. Cho, H.-Y. Kahng, and J.S. Jung. 2014. Seasonal and stational variation of SS and COD and their relationship in Doam Bay. Journal of Environmental Science International 23(5) 973-984.
    • S. Shin, K. Yundendorj, S.-S. Lee, K. H. Kang, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2013. Physiological and biochemical characterization of Bacillus spp. from Polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis. Journal of Life Science 23(3) 415-425.
    • S. Shin, K. Yundendorj, S.-S. Lee, D.-H. Lee, K. H. Kang, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2013. Characterization and organic hydrocarbons degradation potential of euryhaline marine microorganism, Bacillus sp. EBW4 isolated from polychaete (Perinereis aibuhitensis). Korean Journal of Microbiology 49(1) 38-45.
    • D.-H. Lee, J.-S. Hur, and H. –Y. Kahng. 2013. Sphingobacterium cladoniae sp. nov., isolated from lichen, Cladonia sp., and emended description of Sphingobacterium siyangense. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63, 755-760.
    • S. Shin, H. Hur, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2013. Efficacy evaluation of Family-specific primers for the molecular identification of lichens. Science and Education 20, 1-11.
    • S. Shin, H.-O. Heo, D.-H. Kim, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2013. Development of an interrelated contents-flow-based ICT software for marine environmental education in schools. Science and Education 20, 21-35.
    • Y.-S. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng, S.-B. Lee, and D.-H. Lee. 2012. Tenacibaculum jejuense sp nov., isolated from coastal seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 62, 414-419.
    • S. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, and D.H. Lee. 2012. Algoriphagus jejuensis sp nov., isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62, 409-413.
    • Z. Sur. Z. Zhang, S. Ahn, L. Zhang, K.H. Kang, and H. –Y. Kahng. 2011. Acute toxicity to peptone concentrations in the Polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis under laboratory culture. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14(3), 205-209.
    • B.-J. Yoon, D.-C. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng, H.-D. Byeon, J.-Y. Kim, and D.-H. Lee. 2011. Winogradskyella lutea sp. nov., isolated from seawater, and emended 1 descripition of the genus Winogradskyella. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 61, 1539-1543.
    • Y.-S. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, D.-H. Lee, and J. S. Jung. 2011. Polaribacter gangjinensis sp. nov., isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 61, 1425-1434.
    • D.-H. Lee, S.-R. Moon, Y.-H. Park, Y.-S. Lee, J.S. Jung, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2011. Gangjinia marincola gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium of the family Flavobacteriaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 61, 325-329.
    • D.-H. Lee, S.-R. Moon, Y.-H. Park, J. H. Kim, H. Kim, R. E. Parales, and H. –Y. Kahng. 2010. Pseudomonas taeanensis sp. nov., isolated from a crude oil contaminated seashore site. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 2719-2713.
    • Heng Luo, H.-Y. Kahng, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Liu, J.S. Jun, Y.-J. Koh, and J.-S. Hur. 2010. The in vitro antioxidant properties of Chinese highland lichens. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 20, 1524-1528.
    • Y.-S. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng, Y.S. Lee, B.-J. Yoon, S.-B. Lim, J.S. Jung, D.-C. Oh, and D.-H. Lee. 2010. Aquimarina litoralis sp. nov., isolated from a costal seawater. Journal of Microbiology 48(3), 433-437.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, S.-S. Lee, J.-M. Kim, J.-Y. Jnng, M.-Y. Lee, W.-J. Park, and C.O. Jeon. 2010. Muriiola jejuensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from sea water. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 1644-1648.
    • Y.-S. Oh, S.-B. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, B.-J. Yoon, D.-C. Oh, J.-H. Joa, and D.-H. Lee. 2010. Gaetbulibacter jejuensis sp nov., isolated from seawater. Journal of Microbiology 48(3), 307-311.
    • Y.S. Lee, D.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, E.-M. Kim, and J.S. Jung. 2010. Erythrobacter gangjinensis sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 1413-1417.
    • D.-H. Lee, E.-K. Choi, S.-R. Moon, S.-Y. Ahng, Y.S. Le, J.S. Jung, C.O. Jeon, K.-S. Hwang, and H.-Y. Kahng . 2010. Wandonia haliotis gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine bacterium of the family Cryomorphaceae, phylum Bacteroidetes. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 510-514.
    • B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, B.-J. Kang, H.-Y. Kahng, Y.-S. Oh, J.-H. Sohn, E.-S. Choi, D.-C. Oh. 2010. Hyunsoonleella jejuensis gen. nov., sp nov., a novel member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 60, 382-386.
    • D.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, Y.S. Lee, J. S. Jung, J. M. Kim, B. S. Chung, S.K. Park, and C. O. Jeon. 2009. Jejuia pallidilutea gen. nov., sp nov., a new member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 59, 2148-2152.
    • D.-H. Lee, K.-H. Oh, and H.-Y. Kahng, 2009. Molecular analysis of antioxidant genes in the extremohalophile marine bacterium Exiguobacterium sp CNU020. Biotechnology Letters 31, 1245-1251.
    • Y.S. Lee, K.S. Baik, S.Y. Park, E.M. Kim, D.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, C.O. Jeon, and .J.S. Jung. 2009. Tenacibaculum crassostreae sp nov., isolated from the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 59, 1609-1614.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, B.S. Chung, D.-H. Lee, J.S. Jung, J.H. Park, and C.O. Jeon. 2009. Cellulophaga tyrosinoxydans sp nov., a tyrosinase-producing bacterium isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Environmental Microbiology 59, 654-657.
    • 3. J.-S. Hur, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2008. Characteristics of lichens and their industrial value and prospect as bio-resources. Microorganisms and Industry 34(1) 12-16.
    • S.-H. Kim, H.-Y. Lee, H.-W. Kim, H-Y. Kahng. 2008. Seasonal dynamics of pathogenic microorganisms (Cryptosporidium, Giardia and fecal bacteria) in an artificial lake ecosystem (Sangsa Lake, Korea). Journal of Ecology and Field Biology 31(2), 161-165.
    • B.-U. Lee, S.-C. Park, Y.-S. Cho, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.-H. Oh. 2008. ex-pression and characterization of the TNT nitroreductase of Pseudomonas sp. HK-6 in Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology 56, 386-390.
    • Y.S. Cho, N.L. Schiller, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.H. Oh. 2007. Cellular responses and proteomic analysis of Escherichia coli exposed to green tea polyphenols. Current Microbiology 55, 501-506.
    • S.-I. Kim, S.-H. Park, J.-W. Kim, S.H. Leem, D.-J. Shin, S.-H. Kim, D.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng. 2007. Peptide mass fingerprinting- and 2-DE/MS-based analysis of the biodegradation potential for monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas sp. Biotechnology Letters 29, 1475-1481.
    • S.-I. Kim, J. S. Choi, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2007. A proteomics strategy for the analysis of bacterial biodegradation pathways. Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology 11, 280-294.
    • D.-H. Lee, D.-C. Oh, Y.-S. Oh, J.C. Malinverni, J.J. Kukor, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2007. Cloning and characterization of monofunctional catalase from photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum s1. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 17(9) 1460-1468.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, B.-U. Lee, Y.-S. Cho, and K.-H. Oh. 2007. Purification and characterization of the NAD(P)H-nitroreductase for the catabolism of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in Pseudomonas sp. HK-6. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 12, 433-440.
    • K.-H. Oh and H.-Y. Kahng. 2007. Comparative analysis of aniline dioxygenase genes from aniline degrading bacteria, Burkholderia sp. HY1 and Delftia sp. Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 35(2), 104-111.
    • S.-I. Kim, J.J. Kukor, K.-H. Oh, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2006. Evaluating the genetic diversity of dioxygenases for initial catabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40, 71-78.
    • B.-U. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, J.-H. Hong, and K.-H. Oh. 2006. Construction of an Escherichia- Pseudomonas shuttle vector containing an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene and a lacZ' gene for α-complementation. Journal of Microbiology 44(6), 671-673.
    • S.-H. Park, J.-W. Kim, S.-H. Yun, S.H. Leem, H.-Y. Kahng, and S.-I. Kim. 2006. Characterization of β-ketoadipate pathway from multi-drug resistance bacterium, Acinetobacter baumannii DU202 by proteomic approach. Journal of Microbiology 44(6), 635-640.
    • H.S. Moon, H.-Y. Kahng, J.Y. Kim, J.J. Kukor, and K. Nam. 2006. Determination of biodegradation potential by two culture-independent methods in PAH-contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 140, 536-545.
    • K.-H. Oh and H.-Y. Kahng. 2005. Molecular detection of catabolic genes for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the reed rhizosphere of Sunchon Bay. Journal of Microbiology 43(6), 572-576.
    • K.-H. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, J.-S. Hur, H.-W. Kim, E.-S. Kang, and Y.J. Koh. 2005. Macrolichen floras in old temple areas of Southern part of Korea. Sunchon National University Bulletin 24, 13-21.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, S.-M. Kang, K.-H. Oh. 2005. Physiological characterization of BTEX degrading bacteria Microbacterium sp. EMB-1 and Rhodococcus sp. EMB-2 isolated from reed rhizosphere of Sunchon Bay. Korean journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 33(3), 169-177.
    • S.-H. Kim, S.-M. Kang, K.-H. Oh, S.-I. Kim, B.-J. Yoon, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2005. Characterization of PAH-degrading bacteria from soils of reed rhizosphere in Sunchon Bay using PAH consortia. Korean Journal of Microbiology 41(3), 208-215.
    • H.-W. Chun, H.-Y. Kahng, C.-W. Ma, and K.-H. Oh. 2005. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus leached from farming feed by the marine bacteria, Bacillus sp.CK-10 and Bacillus CK-13, isolated from shrimp farming pond. Korean journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 33(2), 136-141.
    • S.-Y. Hwang, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.-H. Oh. 2005. Analysis of N-terminal amino acid sequence of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase from aniline degrading Delftia sp. JK-2. Korean Journal of Microbiology 41(1) 13-17.
    • B.-J. Yoon, S. H. Kim, D.-J. Shin, J.-S. Hur, H.-W. Kim, E.-S. Kang, K.-H. Oh, Y.J. Koh, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2004. Introduction of saxicolous lichens distributed in coastal rocks of U-do islet in Jeju, Korea. Journal of Microbiology 42, 292-298.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, B.-J. Yoon, S. H. Kim, D.-J. Shin, H.-W. Kim, J.-S. Hur, E.-S. Kang, K.-H. Oh, and Y.J. Koh. 2004. An ecological analysis of lichens distributed in rocks of coast and field in U-do by molecular technique. Korean journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 32(4), 334-340.
    • E.M. Ho, H.W. Chang, S.I. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.H. Oh. 2004. Analysis of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene)-inducible cellular responses and stress shock proteome in Stenotrophomonas sp OK-5. Current Microbiology 49, 346-352.
    • J.-S. Hur, H. Harada, S.-O. Oh, K.-M. Lim, E.-S. Kang, S.M. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, H.-W. Kim, J.-S. Jung, Y.J. Koh. 2004. Distribution of lichen flora on South Korea. Journal of Microbiology 42(3), 253.
    • E.M. Ho, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.H. Oh. 2004. Characterization of nitroreductase purified from TNT-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas sp. HK-6. Korean journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 32(3), 203-207.
    • E.-M. Ho, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.H. Oh. 2004. Physiological and molecular characterization of NAD(P)H-nitroreductase from Stenotrophomonas sp. OK-5. Korean Journal of Microbiology 40(3), 183-188.
    • E.-M. Ho, H.-W. Chang, S.-I. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, K.-H. Oh. 2004. Characterization of Pseudomonas sp HK-6 cells responding to explosive RDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 65, 323-329.
    • J.-S. Hur, E.-S. Kang, M. Kim, S.-O. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng, H.-W. Kim, J.-S. Jung, and Y.-J. Koh. 2004. Recent progress in lichen research in Korea - from taxonomic study to environmental application. The Plant Pathology Journal 20(1), 30-40.
    • J.-W. Chun, S.-Y. Hwang, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.-H. Oh. 2004. Characterization of different dioxygenases isolated from Delftia sp. JK-2 capable of degrading aromatic compounds, aniline, benzoate, and p-hydroxybenzoate. Korean society for Bioprocess and Biotechnology Journal 19(1), 50-56.
    • B.-J. Yoon, S.-H. Kim, D.-H. Lee, D.-H. Lee, K.-H. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng. 2003. Evaluating the impacts of long-term use of agricultural chemicals on a soil ecosystem by structural analysis of bacterial community. Korean Journal of Microbiology 39(4), 260-266.
    • H.-W. Chang, H.-Y. Kahng, C.-K. Kim, and K.-H. Oh. 2003. Cellular responses and morphological changes of RDX-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas sp. HK-6 exposed by explosive hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX). Korean journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 31(1), 75-82.
    • Y.-S. Cho, H.-Y. Kahng, J.J. Kukor, C.-K. Km, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. Physiological and cellular responses of the 2,4-D degrading bacterium, Burkholderia cepacia YK-2, to the phenoxyherbicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Current Microbiology 45, 415-422.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, K. Nam, J. J. Kukor, B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, D.-C. Oh, S.-K. Kam, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. PAH utilization by Pseudomonas rhodesiae KK1 isolated from a former manufactured-gas plant site. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 60, 475-480.
    • H.-W. Chang, S.-R. Song, S.-I. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. Cellular responses of the TNT-degrading bacterium, Stenotrophomonas sp. OK-5 to explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). Korean Journal of Microbiology 38(4), 247-253.
    • B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, Y.-S. Kang, D.-C. Oh, S.-I. Kim, K.-H. Oh, H.-Y. Kahng. 2002. Evaluation of carbazole degradation by Pseudomonas rhodesiae strain KK1 isolated from soil contaminated with coal tar. Journal of Basic Microbiology 42(6), 436-445.
    • H.-Y. Kahng and K. Nam. 2002. Molecular characteristics of Pseudomonas rhodesiae strain KK1 in response to phenanthrene. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 12(5), 729-734.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, K. Cho, S.-Y. Song, S.-J. Kim, S.-H. Leem, S.-I. Kim. 2002. Enhanced detection and characterization of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase in Acinetobacter lwoffii K24 by proteomics using a column separation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 295(4), 903-909.
    • K.-H. Oh, H.-W. Chang, H.-Y. Kahng, and S.-I. Kim. 2002. Responses of bacteria to TNT: cells′ survival, SDS-PAGE and 2-D electrophoretic analyses of stress-induced proteins. Korean Journal of Microbiology 38(2), 67-73.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, M.-R. Kim, B.-J. Yoon, D.-H. Lee, D.-C. Oh. 2002. Molecular analysis of bacterial communities distributed in sea water of whitening area of Jeju coast. Korean Journal of Microbiology 38(2), 127-132.
    • M.-S. Lee, H.-W. Chang, H.-Y. Kahng, J.-S. So, and K.-H. Oh. 2002. Biological removal of explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by Stenotrophomonas sp. OK-5 in bench-scale bioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 7(2), 105-111.
    • H.Y. Kahng. 2002. Cellular responses of Pseudomonas sp. KK1 to two-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, naphthalene. Journal of Microbiology 40, 38-42.
    • S.-I. Kim, Y.-C. Yoo, and H.-Y. Kahng. 2001. Complete nucleotide sequence and overex-pression of cat1 gene cluster, and roles of the putative transcriptional activator CatR1 in Acinetobacter lwoffii K24 capable of aniline degradation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 288(3), 645-649.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, J.C. Malinverni, M.M. Majko, and J.J. Kukor. 2001. Genetic and functional analysis of the tbc operons for catabolism of alkyl- and chloroaromatic compounds in Burkholderia sp strain JS150. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(10), 4805-4816.
    • H.-K. Lim, Y.-M. Kim, D.-H. Lee, H.-Y. Kahng, and D.-C. Oh. 2001. Analysis of catalases from photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum S1. Journal of Microbiology 39(3), 168-176.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, J.J. Kukor, and K.-H. Oh. 2000. Characterization of strain HY99, a novel microorganism capable of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of aniline. FEMS Microbiology Letters 190, 215-221.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, J.J. Kukor, and K.-H. Oh. 2000. Physiological and phylogenetic analysis of Burkholderia sp HY1 capable of aniline degradation. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 10, 643-650.
    • Y.-S. Cho, H.-Y. Kahng, H.-W. Chang, and K.-H. Oh. 2000. Characterization of an aniline-degrading bacterium, Delftia sp. JK-2 isolated from activated sludge of municipal sewage treatment plant. Korean Journal of Microbiology 36(2), 79-83.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, A.M. Byrne, R.H. Olsen, and J.J. Kukor. 2000. Characterization and role of tbuX in utilization of toluene by Ralstonia pickettii PKO1. Journal of Bacteriology 182(5), 1232-1242.
    • S.-W. Park, H.-Y. Kahng, I.-J. Kim, J.-O. Park, and W.-I. Chung. 1998. Molecular cloning and characterization of small and large subunits of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from oriental melon. Journal of Plant Research 111, 59-63.
    • I.-J. Kim, H.-Y. Kahng, and W.-I. Chung. 1998. Characterization of cDNAs encoding small and large subunits of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases from watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris S.). Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 62, 550-555.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, S.-H. Hwang, J.-K. Lee, Y.-K. Park, Y.-N. Lee. 1994. Molecular breeding of persistent aromatic chemicals - degrading bacteria. Korean Journal of Microbiology 32(6), 510-516.
    • C.-S. Song, H.-Y. Kahng, Y.-B. Lim, Y.-K. Park, and Y.-N. Lee. 1993. Construction of broad host range vector pKB1. Korean Journal of Microbiology 31(6), 520-526.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, S.-K. Koh, Y.-K. Park, Y.-N. Lee. 1992. Construction of a useful cloning vector for Pseudomonas strains. Korean Journal of Microbiology 30(5), 410-414.
    • H.-Y. Kahng, S.-I. Kim, M.-J. Woo, Y.-K. Park, Y.-N. Lee. 1992. Isolation and characterization of aniline-degrading bacteria. Korean Journal of Microbiology 30(3), 199-206.

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