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    • 순천대학교 농학과(농학사, 1986.2)
    • 전남대학교 대학원(농학석사, 1988.2)
    • 전남대학교 대학원(농학박사, 1995.8)


    • 순천대학교 생명산업과학대학장(2018.10.22-2020.10.21)
    • 순천대학교 평생교육원장(2018.01.01-2018.10.21)
    • 유전자변형생명체 전문가 입시위원회(과학기술정보통신부)위원(2018.04-)
    • 순천시 토종농산물위원회위원(2018.10.02-2020.10.01)
    • 한국자원식물학회장(2017)
    • 전라남도 농산업산·학협동심의회 작물전문위원회 위원장(2017.09.08-)
    • 전라남도 친환경농업추진위원회 위원(2011.11.10-2017.11.09)
    • 그린순천21 추진협의회 농업분과 연구위원(2016.08-)
    • 세계식량포럼 농업미래대체식량분과 위원(2013.07-2015.07)
    • 미국 The Uiiversity of Georgia 방문연구자(2013-2015)
    • 한국자원식물학회 부회장(2011-2012)
    • 한국작물학회부회장(2016,2011-2012)
    • 한국자원식물학회 편집위원장(2011-2017)
    • 순천대학교 공동실험실습관장(2010-2011)
    • 순천대학교 친환경농업센터장(2010-2012)
    • 순천대학교 생명산업과학대학 부학장(2007.3-2009.2)
    • 미국 Purdue 대학교 방문교수(2006)
    • 한국식물생명공학회 상임이사 순천대학교 조교 및 시간강사
    • 일본 이화학연구소(RIKEN) STA fellow 및 공동연구원(1995-1999)
    • 일본학술진흥재단(JSPS) fellow(2004)
    • 순천대학교 농업과학연구소/유용천연자원연구소/조미채소기술센터 연구원
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    • 돌연변이육종
    • Physical mutation을 이용한 식물기능해석
    • 작물분자육종 식물조직배양 및 형질전환을 이용한 응용연구
    • 환경내성관련 식물변이체 해석
    • 기호성 화훼류 품종개발
    • 광합성관련 식물변이체 해석 등: 광합성기능결손 담배변이체 (ali 및 키메라)개발과 해석
    • 화색변이 담배식물체개발(www.riken.go.jp) 등 식물변이체 개발과 기능의 해석


    • Genetic transformation method for zoysiagrass. 미국(6,646,485). 2003
    • 한국형 잔디의 유전적 형질전환 방법. 한국(제 0458138호). 2004
    • シバの遺傳子形質轉換方法. 일본(제 3,659,346호). 2005
    • 조직배양에 의한 들잔디 식물체의 효율적인 재분화방법. 한국(10-0447732), 2004 외 민들레 관련 특허2건
    • 부총리겸교육부장관표창(2019.5.15) 제38회 스승의 날
    • 과학기술우수논문상수상(2018).제28회 대한민국과학기술연차대회(2018.5.27)
    • 공로패수상(한국자원식물학회, 2018.4.27)
    • 한국식물조직배양학회(한국식물생명공학회)우수논문상수상(2001.11.17)
    • 문교부장관상(1986.2.20) 순천대학수석졸업(제1회)
    • 품종명: 설봉1호(벼), 출원번호: 출원2013-343, 품종보호권등록번호: 제5708호, 출원일 2013.06.08, 등록일: 2016.09.10
    • 1) 이춘환, 배창휴외 (2002.12) 광합성과 환경스트레스 ISBN 89-7316-197-0 94480 (공편)
    • 2) 김훈, 배창휴외 (2003.11.24) 이야기 농업생명과학 ISBN 89-87987-61-2 (공저)
    • 3) 한지학,배창휴외 (2007.06.26) 식물생명공학 ISBN 89-77423-52-7 (공저) 
    • 4) 배창휴,강시용 (2008.04.30) 방사선과 생물산업 ISBN 978-89-90117-36-4 (편저) 
    • 5) 김정호,배창휴외 (2012.10.26) 한국농업 미래비전 ISBN 978-89-92887-73-1 (공저) 
    • 서양고추냉이(Armoracia rusticana (Lam.) Gaertn., Mey. et Scherb.)의 기내 식물체재생과 옥수수 유동유전자 Ac 및 Ds에 의한 형질전환
    • Polyamine 처리가 보리(Hordeum vulgare L.) 원형질체 배양에 미치는 영향
    • Dong-Gun Kim, Jae-il Lyu, Min-Kyu Lee, Jung-Min Kim, Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Ming-Jeong Hong, Jin-Baek Kim, Chang-Hyu Bae(공동교신), Soon-Jae Kwon. 2020. Construction of Soybean Mutant Diversity Pool (MDP) Lines and an Analysis of Their Genetic Relationships and Associations Using TRAP Markers. Agronomy 10:253; doi:10.3390/agronomy10020253 (SCI/E) 
    • Vipada Kantayos and Chang-Hyu Bae. 2019. Optimized Shoot Induction and Histological Study of in vitro Cultured Korean Soybean Cultivars. Korean J. Plant Res. 32(3):237-243. 

    • Vipada Kantayos and Chang-Hyu Bae. 2019. Optimization of Shoot Induction, Histological Study and Genetic Stability of in vitro Cultured Pisum sativum cv. ‘Sparkle’. 32(1):19-28.

    • Jae Il Lyu, Sung Ran Min, Jang R. Liu, C.-H. Bae, Ji Hyun Park, Ju-Kon Kim, Won-Joong Jeong. 2018. Enhanced tolerance to heat stress in transgenic tomato seedsand seedlings overexpressing a trehalose-6- phosphate synthase/phosphatase fusion gene. Plant Biotechnology Reports 12:399-408(SCI/E).
    • Dong-Gun Kim, C.-H. Bae, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jaihyunk Ryu, Min-Kyu Lee, Jung Min Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Back Kim, Si-Yong Kang. 2017. Nutritional properties of various tissues from new kenaf cultivars. J. Crop Sci. 21(3):229-239(SCOPUS).
    • 류재혁, 유재일, 배창휴. 2017. 엽록체 DNA (trnL-trnF,rps16-trnK) 염기서열에 의한 국내 민들레속 유전자원의 유전적 변이와 유연관계 분석. 한국자원식물학회지. 30(5):522-534.
    • 류재혁, 최해식, 유재일, 배창휴. 2016. 국내 재배지의 산초(Zanthoxylum schinifolium)와 초피(Zanthoxylum piperitum)의 형태학적 특성과 유전적 다양성. 한국자원식물학회지. 29(5):555-563.
    • 김동건 외 6인, 배창휴.2016. 기내 배양을 통한 국내 콩(Glycine max L.) 품종의 식물체 재분화. 한국자원식물학회지. 29(1):143-153.
    • 류재혁, 문승옥, 김길자, 배창휴. 2015. 재배지 및 야생지에서국내 차나무(Camellia sinesis L. O. Kuntze)의 유전적 다양성. 한국차학회지. 21(2):76-84.
    • 박상은, 공현정, 신동진, 배창환, C.-H. Bae, 이성춘, 나의식, 김행훈. 2014. Development of vitrification protocol in Rubia akane (Nakai) hairy roots using a systematic approach. CRYOLETTERS. 35:138-144.(SCI).
    • 류재혁, 김은환, 소현수, 정미영, 송원섭, 배창휴. 2013. 갈대(Phragmites communis Trinius) 성숙종자를 이용한 기내 식물체 재분화와 재분화체의 유전적 다양성. 한국자원식물학회지. 26(2):320-327.
    • 류재혁, 소현수, 배세호, 강현숙, 이병철, 강시용, 이효연, 배창휴. 2013. 전자빔 조사 기내 배양 양란 심비디움(Cymbidium spp.)의 유전적 다양성. 한국육종학회지. 45(1):8-18.
    • Lyu J.I, S.R. Min, J.H. Lee, Y.H. Lim, J.-K. Kim, C.-H. Bae, J.R. Riu. 2013. Overex-pression of a trehalose-6-phosphatesynthase/phosphatase fusion gene enhances tolerance and photosynthesis during drought and salt stress without growth aberrations in tomato. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 112:257-262.DOI 10.1007/s11240-012-0225-7.
    • Ryu J., H.-S. So, J.I. Lyu, O.D. Kwon, Y.-I. Lee, I.D. Jin, H.-Y. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2012. Genetic analysis of early-heading plant (Oryza sativa L.) lines derived from gamma-ray irradiation. Korean J. Plant Res. 25(1):142-151.
    • Lee Y.-G., E. Popova, H.-Y. Cui, H.-H. Kim, S.-U. Park, C.-H. Bae, S.-C.Lee and F.Engelmann. 2011. Improved cryopreservation of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) using droplet-vitrification. CryoLeters 32(6):487-497.
    • Ryu, J.H., andC. H. Bae. 2011. Genetic diversity and relationship of Taraxacum officinale Weber and Taraxacum coreanum Nakai accessions based on inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 19:149-156.
    • Ryu, J.H., H.Y. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2011. Variation analysis of long-term in vitro cultured Cymbidium goeringii Lindley and Cymbidium karan Makino. Korean J. Plant Res. 24:139-149.
    • Ryu, J.H., S.O. Mun and C.-H. Bae. 2011. Genetic diversity and structure of tea (Camellia sinensis)populations at Gurye regionin Korea based on ISSR analysis. J. Korean Tea Soc.17:72-77.
    • Ryu, J.H., G.L. Choi, J.I.Lyu, S.C. Lee, J.U. Chun, D.Y. Shin and C.-H. Bae. 2010. Genetic relationship analysis of genus Nelumbo accessions based on inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 18:86-92.
    • Chun, J.U., J.S. Park,C.-H. Bae and J.S. Shin. 2009. Differentially expressed genes related to cold-resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Nagaoka). Korean J. Breed. Sci. 41:73-83.
    • Bae, C.-H. 2008. DNA gel blot analysis of variants of tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum L.) induced by heavy-ion (14N) beam irradiation. J. Basic and Life Res. Sci. 8:53-57.
    • Kazama, Y., H. Saito, M. Miyagai, H. Takehisa, H. Ichida, Y. Miyazawa, K. Mishiba, T. Kanaya, K. Suzuki, C.-H.Bae, K. Miyoshi, M. Mii and T. Abe. 2008. Effect of heavy ion-beam irradiation on plant growth and mutation induction in Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Biotech. 25:105-111.
    • Chun, J.U., D.J. Seo and C.-H. Bae. 2006. Isolation of differentially expressed genes by low temperature treatment in winter oilseed rape (Brassiaca napus L. cv. Tammi). Korean J. Plant Res. 19:440-446.
    • Lyu, J.I., S.H. Lee and C.-H. Bae. 2005. Genetic analysis of tea accessions based on amplified fragment length polymorphism. J. Korean Tea Soc. 11: 93-107.
    • C.-H. Bae., J.S. Chai, J.H. Kim, T G. Yang, J.I. Lyu, H.Y. Lee and D.K. Yang. 2005. Characteristics of tobacco and rice plants irradiated with neutron beam. Korean J. Plant Res. 18:359-366.
    • Lyu, J.I., S.H. Lee, K.C. Lim, G.J. Kim, D.C. Yang and C.-H. Bae. 2003. Genetic diversity among tea (Camellia sinensis) accessions based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns. Plant Resources. 16:195-204.
    • Toyama, K., C.-H. Bae, J.G. Kang, Y.P. Lim, T. Adachi, K.J. Riu, P.S. Song and H.Y. Lee. 2003. Production of herbicide-tolerant zoysiagrass by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Mol. Cells 16:19-17(SCI ).
    • Toyama, K.,C.-H. Bae, M.S. Seo, I.J. Song, Y.P. Lim, P.S. Song and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Overcoming of barriers to transformation in monocot plants. J. Plant Biotech. 4:135-141.
    • Song, I. J.,C.-H. Bae, D.K. Choi, R. Akashi and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Efficient gene introduction into rice callus by using particle inflow gun system. Korean J. of Plant Biotech. 29:223-228.
    • Bae, C.H., Y.L. Lee, Y.P. Lim, Y.W. Seo, D.J. Lee, D.C. Yang and H.Y. Lee. 2002. Selection of herbicide tolerant cell lines from gamma-ray irradiated cell cultures in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Ilpumbyeo) .J. Plan tBiotech. 4:123-127.
    • Jung, J.S., H.S. Han, K.Y. Lee, C.-H.Bae and H.Y. Lee. 2001. A male-associated DNA sequence in a dioecious plant, Schisandra nigra. Breeding Sci. 51:219-223(SCIE).
    • Bae, C.H., T. Abe, T. Matsuyama, N. Fukunish, N. Nagata, T. Nakano, Y. Kaneko, K. Miyoshi, H. Matsushima, and S. Yoshida. 2001. Regulation of chloroplast gene ex-pression is affected in ali, a novel tobacco albino mutant. Annals of Botany 88:545-553(SCI).
    • Bae, C.-H. ,T. Abe, N. Nakata, N. Fukunishi, T. Matsuyama, T. Nakano and S. Yoshida. 2000. Characterization of a periclinal chimera variegated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Plant Sci. 151:93-101(SCI ).
    • Tomoki Matsuyama, Tomoko Abe, Chang-Hyu Bae, Yoshiko Takahashi, Reiko Kiuchi, Takeshi Nakano, Tadao Asami and Shigeo Yoshida. 2000. Adaptation of Restrict landmark genome scanning (RLGS) to plant genome analysis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 18(4):331-338.

  • 나의식




    • 전북대학교 농과대학 농학과 (농학사)
    • 전북대학교 대학원 농학과 (농학석사)
    • 대만 중흥대학교 농학박사


    • 한국학술진흥재단 Post-Doc. 전북대학교 초빙교수


    • 식물유전·육종
    • 식물유전자원개발
    • 식물내염성유전연구
    • 친환경농업연구


    최근 연구 논문
    • In situ Impact of the Antagonistic Fungal Strain, Trichoderma gamsii T30 on the Plant Pathogenic Fungus, Rhizoctonia solani in Soil. Polish Journal of Microbiology (2019)

    • Bacillus Cereus Enhanced Phytoremediation Ability of Rice Seedlings under Cadmium Toxicity. BioMed Research International (2019)

    • Effect of planting density on yield and yield components in different castor beans varieties (Ricinus communis L.). Life Science Journal (2019)

    • Remediating Effect of Smoke Solution on Shoot of two Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivars Under Lead Contaminated Water. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2020)

    • Biosynthesized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) Mitigate Arsenic Toxicity in Rice Seedlings. Toxics (2020)

    • <역서>

    • Salinity and Water Stress (Springer Netherlands)

    • 중국의 간척지 농업기술 (2018)

    • 중국의 황사 건조지 농업기술 (2020) 

    • 알칼리 염류 토양의 생태녹화 기술 (2020)

  • 김행훈




    • 순천대학교 농학과 (농학사)
    • 서울대학교 식물생산과학부 (농학석사)
    • 서울대학교 식물생산과학부 (농학박사)


    • 농촌진흥청 농업연구사 (1992.7-2009.5)
    • 농촌진흥청 농업연구관 (2009.6-2012.2)
    • 종자기술사 (한국산업인력공단, 2007.9)
    • CryoLetters (국제저온생물학회지) 편집위원(2010-)
    • 농촌진흥청 국제전문관 (2010.3-2011)
    • 농촌진흥청 국외상주연구원 (2011.9-2012.2)
    • 세계 3대 인명사전인 The Marquis Who's Who in the World와 International Biographical Centre(IBC) 등 2개의 인명사전 등재 (2014, 2015)


    • 유전자원의 보존 및 이용
    • 멸종위기식물의 초저온동결보존


    • HH Kim. 2008. Flash drying tea zygotic embryos. (In) BM Reed(ed.). Plant Cryopreservation: a practical guide. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-72275-7. pp. 237-238.
    • Popova, E, KY Baek and HH Kim. 2011. Cryopreservation of medicinal plants: the case of in vitro cultures. (eds) A. Kumar and S. Roy. In: Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology.
    • 3정 식물유전자원학. 박철호, 김행훈 외. 2012. 도서출판 진솔.
    • 김행훈. 2014. 식물유전자원의 보존. 강정훈 등. 식물유전자원의 이해. pp. 305-338. 농촌진흥청. ISBN 978-89-480-2684-9 93520.
    최근 주요논문
    • Kim, HH, E Popova, DJ Shin, JY Yi, CH Kim, JS Lee, MK Yoon, F Engelmann. 2012. Cryobanking of Korean Allium germplasm collections: results from 10 year experience. CryoLetters 33 (1): 45-57.
    • Yi, JY, I Sylvestre, M Colin, M Salma, SY Lee, HH Kim, HJ Park, F Engelmann. 2012. Improved cryopreservation using droplet-vitrification and histological changes associated cryopreservation of madder. Kor. J Hort. Sci. Technol. 30(1): 79-84.
    • Kim, YS, YK Kim, H Xu, MR Uddin, NI Park, HH Kim, SC Chae, SU Park. 2012. Improvement of ornamental characteristics in Rehmannia elata through Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Plant Omics Journal 5(4): 376-380.
    • Bae, H, YB Kim, NI Park, HH Kim, YS Kim, MY Lee, SU Park. 2012. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Valentine) for accumulation of anthocyanin. Plant Omics Journal 5(4): 381-385.
    • Thwe, AA, NT Mai, X Li, Y Kim, YB Kim, MR Uddin, YS Kim, H Bae, HH Kim, MY Lee, SU Park 2012. Production of Astragaloside and Flavones from Adventitious Root Cultures of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus. Plant Omics Journal 5(5): 466-470.
    • Chae, SC, HH Kim, SU Park. 2012. Ethylene inhibitors enhance shoot organogenesis of gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa). The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012, Article ID 859381, doi:10.1100/2012/859381.
    • Tuan, PA, JK Kim, J Lee, WT Park, DY Kwon, YB Kim, HH Kim, HR Kim, SU Park. 2012. Analysis of carotenoid accumulation and ex-pression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes in different organs of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis). EXCLI Journal 2012:11:508-516.
    • Li, XL, NI Park, YB Kim, HH Kim, CH Park, Q Wue, SU Park. 2012. Accumulation of flavonoids and ex-pression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in tartary and rice-tartary buckwheat. Process Biochemistry 47: 2306-2310.
    • Kim, HH, SC Lee. 2012. Personalisation of droplet-vitrification protocols for plant cells: a systematic approach to optimising chemical and osmotic effects. CryoLetters 33(4): 271-279.
    • Shin, DJ, H Kong, E Popova, HK Moon, SY Park, SU Park, SC Lee, HH Kim. 2012. Cryopreservation of Kalopanax septemlobus embryogenic callus using vitrification and droplet-vitrification. CryoLetters 33(5): 402-410.
    • Kim, HH, E Popova, DJ Shin, CH Bae, HJ Baek, SU Park, F Engelmann. 2012. Development of a droplet-vitrification protocol for cryopreservation of Rubia akane hairy roots using a systematic approach. CryoLetters 33(6): 506-517.
    • Uddin, R, HH Kim, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Neuroprotective effects of medicinal plants. EXCLI Journal 12: 541-545.
    • Kim, YB, X Li, SJ Kim, HH Kim, J Lee, HR Kim, SU Park. 2013. MYB transcription factors regulate glucosinolate biosynthesis in different organs of Chinese cabbage. Molecules 18: 8682-8695; doi:10.3390/molecules18078682.
    • Kim, HH, DY Kwon, H Bae, SJ Kim, YB Kim, MR Uddin, SU Park. 2013. Influence of auxins on glucosinolate biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of broccoli. Asian Journal of Chemistry 25(11): 6099-6101.
    • Kim, YB, AA Thwe, YJ Kim, X Li, HH Kim, PB Park, T Suzuki, SJ Kim, SU Park. 2013. Characterization of genes for a putative hydroxycinnamoyl coenzyme A quinate transferase and p-coumarate 3′-hydroxylase and chlorogenic acid accumulation in tartary buckwheat. dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf4000659 | J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 4120-4126.
    • Chae, S.C., S.W. Lee, J.K. Kim, W.T. Park, M.R. Uddin, H.H. Kim, S.U. Park. 2013. Variation of carotenoid content in Agastache rugosa and Agastache foeniculum. Asian J Chemistry 25(8): 4364-4366.
    • Lim, SS, JM Jang, WT Park, MR Uddin, SC Chae, HH Kim, SU Park. 2013. Chemical composition of essential oils from flower and leaf of Korean mint, Agastache rugosa. Asian J Chemistry 25(8): 4361-4363.
    • Kim, YB, MK Lee, SJ Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid and transcription of glutamate decarboxylase in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Plant Omics 6:263-267.
    • Kim, YK, SY Suh, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, SW Lee, SU Park. 2013. Variation in amino acid content among three Aloe species. Asian J Chemistry 25: 6346-6348.
    • Li, X, YB Kim, Y Kim, S Zhao, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2013. Differential stress-response ex-pression of two flavonol synthase genes and accumulation of flavonols in tartary buckwheat. Journal of Plant Physiology 170: 1630-1636.
    • S Mohammad, I Engelmann-Sylvestre, M Collin, J Escoute, M Lartaud, JY Yi, HH Kim, JL Verdeil, F Engelmann. 2013. Effect of the successive steps of a cryopreservation protocol on the structural integrity of Rubia akane Nakai hairy roots. Protoplasma DOI 10.1007/s00709-013-0565-0.
    • Yan, YZ, XG Li, XJ Jin, YK Kim, MR Uddin, HH Kim, SJ Kim, SU Park. 2013. Mineral contents in the roots of blue and white flowered Platycodon grandiflorum from China and Korea. Asian J Chemistry 25: 7103-7105.
    • Kim, YK, WT Park, MR Uddin, YB Kim, H Bae, HH Kim, KW Park, SU Park. 2014. Variation of charantin content in different bitter melon cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(1): 309-310.
    • Kim, YB, MR Uddin, MK Lee, SJ Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Accumulation of free amino acids in different organs of green and red mustard cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 396-398.
    • Lee SW, JK Kim, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Variation of carotenoid content in different bitter melon cultivars. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 461-463.
    • Kim, YB, JK Kim, MR Uddin, CH Park, HH Kim, E Chung, JH Lee, SU Park. 2014. Carotenoid contents in different millets cultivars collected from China and Korea. Asian J Chemistry 26(2): 464-466.
    • Kim, YB, KS Kim, YJ Kim, PA Tuan, HH Kim, JW Cho, SU Park. 2014. Cloning and characterization of a flavonol synthase gene from Scutellaria baicalensis. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 980740.
    • Kim, JK, YS Kim, YJ Kim, MR Uddin, YB Kim, HH Kim, SY Park, MY Lee, SO Chung, SU Park. 2014. Comparative analysis of flavonoids and polar metabolites from hairy roots of Scutellaria baicalensis and S. lateriflora. World J Microbial Biotechnol 30: 887-892.
    • Park, SU, HJ Kong, DJ Shin, CH Bae, SC Lee, CH Bae, ES Rha and HH Kim. 2014. Development of vitrification protocol in Rubia akane (Nakai) hairy roots using a systematic approach. CryoLetters 35: 138-144.
    • Cueto, C, RL Rivera, HH Kim, HJ Kong, HJ Baek, L Sebastian and HJ Baek. 2014. Development of cryopreservation protocols for cryobanking of coconut zygotic embryos. Acta Horticulturae 1039: 297-302.
    • Park, WT, HH Kim, SC Chae, JW Cho and SU Park. 2014. Phenylpropanoids in Agastache foeniculum and its cultivar A. foeniculum ‘Golden Jubilee'. Asian Journal of Chemistry 26: 4599-4601.
    • Thwe, AA, YJ Kim, X Li, YB Kim, NI Park, HH Kim, SJ Kim and SU Park. Accumulation of phenylpropanoids and correlated gene ex-pression in hairy roots of tartary buckwheat under light and dark conditions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 174: 2537-2547.
    • da Silva JAT, HH Kim and F Engelmann. 2014. Chrysanthemum low temperature storage and cryopreservation: a review. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture DOI 10.1007/s11240-0641-y.
    • Shin, DJ, HE Lee, CH Bae, SU Park, HN Kang and HH Kim. 2014. Development of an encapsulation-vitrification protocol for Rubia akane hairy roots: a comparison with non-encapsulation. CryoLetters 35: 377-384.
  • 백소현




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    최근 주요논문
    • Transgenic Rice Seed Extracts Exert Immunomodulatory Effects by Modulating Immune-Related Biomarkers in RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells. Nutrients, 2022, 14(19); https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14194143
    • Enhanced Anti-Skin-Aging Activity of Yeast Extract-Treated Resveratrol Rice DJ526. Molecules, 2022, 27(6);  https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27061951
    • Enhancing Resveratrol Bioproduction and Anti?Melanogenic Activities through Elicitation in DJ526 Cell Suspension. Plants, 2021, 10(8); https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10081653
    • Resveratrol-enriched rice identical to original Dongjin rice variety with respect to major agronomic traits in different cultivation years and regions. GM Crops & Food, 2021, 12(1): 449-458 
    • Alteration of resveratrol-dependent glycosyltransferase activity by elicitation in DJ-526 rice. GM Crops & Food, 2020, 12(1):242-250
    • Genetically modified rice produces ginsenoside aglycone (protopanaxadiol). Planta, 2019, 250(4):1103-1110
    • Effect of the Resveratrol Rice DJ526 on Longevity. Nutrients, 2019, 11(8):1-14
    • The Resveratrol Rice DJ526 Callus Significantly Increases the Lifespan of Drosophila (Resveratrol Rice DJ526 Callus for Longevity). Nutrients, 2019, 11(5):1-14
    • Genetically Engineered Resveratrol-Enriched Rice Inhibits Neuroinflammation in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated BV2 Microglia Via Downregulating Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Nuclear Factor Kappa B Signaling Pathway. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018, 1-15
    • Resveratrol-Enriched Rice Attenuates UVB-ROS-Induced Skin Aging via Downregulation of Inflammatory Cascades (vol 2017, 8379539, 2017). Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018, 1-16
    • Targeted metabolite profiling to evaluate unintended metabolic changes of genetic modification in resveratrol-enriched rice (Oryza sativa L.). Applied Biological Chemistry, 2017, 60(2):205-214
    • Comparison of the grain composition in resveratrol-enriched and glufosinate-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa) to conventional rice using univariate and multivariate analysis. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2016, 52:58-67
    • 레스베라트롤 합성 GM 벼 검정을 위한 계통특이 마커 개발. KJBS. 2016, 48(2):119-125
    • Gene ex-pression profiles and physiological data from mice fed resveratrol-enriched rice DJ526. Scientific Data, 2016, 3:1-9
    • The resveratrol-enriched rice DJ526 boosts motor coordination and physical strength. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:1-12
  • 전승호




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    • Effects of ridge width on the growth and yield of foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois) in paddy-upland rotation fields. 2017. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences.
    • Evaluation of bioactive compounds in different tissues of sprouting Okra. 2017. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology.
    • Dependence of Sorghum bicolor antioxidant activity on harvest time. 2017. SCIENCEASIA.
    • Effect of Green Manure Crop on Growth and Medicinal Ingredients of Platycodon grandiflorum Radix. 2018. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Effects of Seeding Rate and Depth during Broadcast Sowing on Growth and Yield of Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) and Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). 2017. Korean Journal of Crop Science
    • Effects on Growth and Medicinal Ingredients of Platycodon grandiflorum Radix by Organic and Chemical Fertilizers. 2017. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Effects of Mulching Materials on Platycodon grandiflorum Root Growth and Weed Occurrence. 2017. Korean Journal of Crop Science.
    • Effect of Mulching Materials on the Growth and Medicinal Ingredients in Platycodon grandiflorum Radix Organic Cultivation. 2017. Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture.
    • Rice pectin methylesterase inhibitor28 (OsPMEI28) encodes afunctional PMEI and its overex-pression results in a dwarf phenotypethrough increased pectin methylesterification levels. 2017. Journal of Plant Physiology.
  • 이성춘




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