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Future Convergence

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Future Convergence

The objective of the College of Future Convergence is to develop creative and qualified experts who can meet the needs of future industries based on the 4th industrial revolution by providing systematic theoretical education and practical training programs for the students of lifelong education.
Our education is focused on creative thinking ability, collaborative intellect, and practical ways of solving problems, necessary for the graduates to successfully respond to and survive the 'fourth industrial revolution.'

About the Department

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Animal Resource Science has infinite potential for development in the field of 21st-century advanced science. The Department of Industrial Animal Science aims to provide professional expertise in solving food shortages and global warming as well as in extending human life by using bio-organs and stem cells. To that end, the Department offers systematic theoretical education and experiments/training programs for development of functional bio-feed, breeding/improvement of superior livestock, production of pets, effective production/processing of livestock products (e.g. natural cheese, yogurt, ham, and sausage), and environmentally friendly development of animal resources.

Industrial Convergence

Industrial Convergence Department Office
Department Office


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