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College of Education

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College of Education

The objective of the College of Education is to develop competent secondary school teachers who can contribute to development of the democratic society with integrated thinking abilities based on theories of each major and practical teaching skills as well as a strong sense of duty.
With the systematic education systems, the College has ensured a high success rate for the teacher qualification examination and contributed to diverse national education areas.

About the Department

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The objective of the Department is to develop experts who can lead the future computer education with basic knowledge of the study, application ability, and capability to use computers to benefit everyone. The curricular include improved teaching-learning methods, computer-related technical training, and on-the-job training for info-communication education. The graduates are encouraged to develop capability of providing computer education, useful for solving issues that they may face while working at secondary schools, enterprises, or research institutes.

To that end, the Department provides theoretical education and training programs designed to develop teaching methods utilizing computer and info-communication systems as well as other various subjects relating to computer science. Considering the current advancement of computer-related theories and technologies, utilization of computers by the society, based on info-communications and information services, will only accelerate at an alarming rate, opening new ways to use computers for educational purposes.

Computer Education

Computer Education Department Office
Department Office


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