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College of Education

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College of Education

The objective of the College of Education is to develop competent secondary school teachers who can contribute to development of the democratic society with integrated thinking abilities based on theories of each major and practical teaching skills as well as a strong sense of duty.
With the systematic education systems, the College has ensured a high success rate for the teacher qualification examination and contributed to diverse national education areas.

About the Department

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The Department of Social Education was set up in 1982 when the school became a 4-year university. The first graduates and those in 1992 became a secondary school teacher automatically but since then the majors take the teacher qualification examination. The Department has shown the highest ratio of graduates passing the examination in the nation.

The objective of the Department is to develop secondary school teachers of social studies equipped with professional expertise and teaching abilities. The curricular include a wide range of social studies such as political science, economics, social science, cultural anthropology, laws, geography, and history as well as social education. Therefore, the graduates of the Department can work not only as a secondary school teacher but also as educational administration staff, education expert, administrative civil servant, and enterprises.

Although a secondary school teacher is a popular profession, the employment opportunities in this fied are in decline due to declining birthrates. In an effort to respond to such trend, the Department is encouraging the students to enter various professions of educational administration, education experts, and general administration, which have led to tangible results recently.

With the purpose of increasing the success rates for the teacher qualification examination, the Department provides special lectures by the faculty members, experts, and successful applicants. Under the supervision of academic advisers and with financial assistance of the College, the students organize study groups in order to help each other with learning and they can even use the gosiwon facility (or box room for studying). Since 1993 the student council of the Department has organized a comprehensive, annual academic event called ‘Sihyeonje’, which discusses the current issues relating to education and explores solutions to the problems. Through the activity the students are motivated to broaden their perspectives of society, strengthen friendships with fellow students, and enjoy the campus life more fully.

Social Education

Social Education Department Office
Department Office


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